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z~ 2 <br />MEMORANDUM <br />T its ~uncii <br />c®n~n1~c evel®pn7ent uth~rity <br />iann~n ~r~nl~ssi~n <br />er~nly arnhart9 tannin anaer <br />SATE: arch p~ N <br />5U ~ T: ~cuse rya tudy a rans~rtati®n <br />At its meeting on February S, ~Oio, the Council requested more information on the potential <br />for an interchange at the current intersection of Highway 10 and ~ 67th Avenue. Additionally, <br />the Council requested that the road from the interchange connect d~ectly with Twin Lal~es <br />Road, rather than an intersection as previously shown, <br />Attached you will find three plan alternatives -~ each with two stages of development, and a <br />generalized cost comparison for the three options. In addition, this memo sum~aarizes the <br />project objectives and guiding principles, MnD~T's requirements, general discussion, and <br />pros and cons to each option as observed by staff. The Council, EDA, and Planning <br />Commission are asl~ed to choose a preferred option so that further steps of the plan fray be <br />completed. Among other steps, with the preferred location of the interchange, the land use <br />plan fnay be created. <br />G~U~DING P~~~C~PLES <br />The original purpose for this project has been to develop a plan that attempts to do the <br />following. <br />1. M'~nimize impacts to existing businesses and properties as fnuch as possible. <br />2. Develop a traffzc pattern that will continue to support existing businesses even after <br />changes to Highway i 0 access, <br />3. Provide direction on the development of the City's Gateway property. <br />S.~PLANNING MAIN~Prajects~~AST Study Area~TAS"1" memo to CC 17E transparta~,an 3-1-10 Bruce-DII changes.doc <br />