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11-10-2009 PC MIN
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Planning Minutes
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11-10-2009 PC MIN
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2/10/2010 2:18:22 PM
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Plannuig Commission Minutes Page 3 <br />November 10, 2009 <br />--------------------------- <br />17. THE PREVIOUSLY APPROVED CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CU 07-10 <br />(SHERBURNE COUNTY DOCUMENT #659209) WILL EXPIRE UPON <br />APPROVAL OF THIS CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT CU 09-23. <br />MOTION CARRIED 7-0. <br />5.2. Request bvJames Enright for Zone Change from C3 I~ghwayCommercial to R4 Multiple <br />FamilvResidential (E1kMoteL 13291 Highway 10) Public Hearing„- Case No ZC 09-02 <br />Mr. Barnhart stated that three options the Commission may consider in addressing the <br />application, as outlined in the staff report. He reviewed detai]s of the property including <br />srze, access, current land use, and zoning. He stated that low densityresidential seems <br />inappropriate. Mr. Barnhart noted that commercial uses would be difficult, since the site <br />lacks easy access. <br />Chair Scott opened the public hearing. <br />A resident of Guardian Angels West asked what type of building is proposed. She stated she <br />had a concern with increased traffic. <br />Jim Enright and Darlene Smith, applicants - stated theypropose converting the existing <br />16-unit hotel to eight apartments. Mr. Enright stated they do not anticipate any significant <br />increase in traffic, and there may actually be less traffic. He stated that if the building were <br />demolished, there would be very few use options, since the property is narrow and sits right <br />on the edge of the lake. He stated they do not propose expanding the building other than <br />possibly adding some garages in the future. <br />Some discussion followed regarding who would approve the proposed changes. Mr. <br />Barnhart stated if the zone change is approved, the site plan would be reviewed intemallyby <br />staff. <br />There being no further public comment, Chair Scott closed the public hearing. <br />Commissioner Anderson stated that it would be difficult to locate a new residential or <br />commercial use on the site. He felt that due to the uniqueness of the property and long term <br />use, he would support taking action to make the land use and zoning consistent. <br />Mr. Enright stated that the building is approximately 8,500 square feet and theyhave made <br />significant improvements. He felt that use of the property as apartments would best serve <br />the community. <br />Anderson asked howthe applicant proposes to convert the hotel to apartments. Mr. <br />Enright stated that he proposes to combine two hotel units to make one apartment, for a <br />total of eight apartments. He stated that the units will have a small deck and patio doors. <br />He stated that he has been in the rental business and understands screening of tenants. <br />Commissioner Westberg asked if further review would be required, if the applicant wanted <br />to make the building larger. Mr. Barnhart stated that plans would be reviewed at a m;n;mum <br />of staff level <br />Commissioner Ives suggested that the request could be sent forward to the City Council <br />with a recommendation to evaluate the whole area. Mr. Barnhart stated that could be a <br />
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