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City Council Minutes Page 2 <br />December 14, 2009 <br />sharing with the city, LOIA., and Sherburne County participating. Council consensus was for <br />staff to review the budget and come back with a funding recommendation. Staff was also <br />directed to see if Sherburne County would be willing to participate :~ the cost sharing. <br />1t was Hated that there is $1,000 for fish stocking in the budget which can be applied <br />towards t11e dredging study. <br />5.2. Discussion on Social Host Ordinance <br />Councilmembex Mahn indicated he was not present when this ordinance was passed. He <br />expressed concern with the ordinance language being too broad. <br />City Prosecutor Scott Baumgartner and Mr. Bealaen reviewed the language. Mr. Baumgartner <br />distributed the state statute and added that a majority of the definitions were taken from this <br />statute. He explained there is a gap in the law that makes it almost impossible to prosecute <br />these cases but the social host ordinance bridges that gap. <br />1t was noted the resolution approving summary publication of this ordinance will be on the <br />December 21, 2009, consent agenda. <br />5.3. Discussion on State of the Ci Annual Re orts <br />Ms, Johnson indicated that discussions began last year with the Chamber and Mayor <br />I~lin~ing regarding the city possibly taking back the State of the City address. She questioned <br />if the Council is interested in holding the State of the City event and possibly holding it in <br />conjunction with the Annual Report presentation. She added that as far as she knows the <br />Chamber will continue to hold an event that will include EIk River as well as neighboring <br />communities and Shelburne County. The City will participate in that event as requested by <br />the Chamber. <br />Mayor Z~lin~ing indicated that she believes the Annual Report is really the State of the City <br />and the two should be held together. She stated she would like to conduct the State of the <br />City/Annual Report at an evening meeting and have the public invited. <br />The Council concurred to hold the State~of the City in conjunction with the Annual Reports <br />but for the city to continue participation in the annual Chamber event as well. <br />5.4. Council 0 en Forum <br />There were no items discussed under open forum. <br />6. Other Business <br />6.1. Public Works Director <br />Ms. Johnson presented the staff report recommending Layne Otteson be hired to fill the <br />public works director position. <br />Cauncilmember Gumphrey explained that his understanding was that the Selection <br />Committee would bring tlae top two candidates forward for the full Council to interview. <br />Councilmember Moon, a member of the Selection Committee, disagreed stating that was not <br />the Council's di~~ection. <br />