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fiver <br />MEMORANDUM <br />TO: Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission <br />FROM: Rebecca Haug, Environmental Administrator <br />DATE: November 17, 2009 <br />SUBJECT: Jackson St. Water Tower discussion <br />DISCUSSION: <br />At the August 26, 2008 meeting, the Heritage Preservation Commission (HPC) was <br />granted one year to research funding opportunities to save the Jackson St. Water <br />Tower. Staff spoke with Michael Koop, MN State Historic Preservation Office, and was <br />informed that during the last Highway 10 Study, it was determined that the water tower <br />is eligible to be on the National Register of Historic Places. <br />The Jackson Street Water Tower has been identified as being significant in American <br />History as it embodies the distinctive characteristics of a period, type or method of <br />construction. It was also determined that is has excellent integrity of location, design, <br />materials, workmanship, feeling, and association. <br />NEXT STEPS• <br />Staff is asking the Utility Commission to consider applying fora "Fast Track" Legacy <br />grant through the State Historic Preservation Office to hire a consultant to prepare the <br />National Register nomination form. Staff anticipates the cost to be around $5,000. The <br />Fast Track grants allow you to apply for up to $7,000 and do not require matching <br />funds. The HPC is aware of a few consultants who can do this work and would be <br />willing to contact them along with filling out the grant application form. Staff <br />recommends utilizing the HPC to research and contact potential consultants to <br />complete the nomination form and staff to complete the grant application. <br />Once the water tower is listed on the National Register, there are additional grant <br />funds available (some which may require matching funds) to cover the costs to restore <br />the Water Tower through the Legacy Grant and the Minnesota Historical Society. As <br />with many grants, matching funds are recommended. Staff believes funds have been set <br />aside for the water tower and if approved, could be used as matching funds for the <br />grant. <br />