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Case File: V 09-08 Variance <br />Page 3 Jean Coxrow <br />Tlariance Criteria <br />7. Literal el~orcement of the ordinance will cause undue hardship. <br />The literal enforcement would cause undue hardship, as the applicant would be deprived of <br />architectural elements that other homes in the area are allowed. Also, it could be a safety <br />concern with inclement weather. <br />2. TI~e har-drhip is caused by special conditions and circumstances, which are peculiar to the property and the <br />structure involved and which are raot characteristic of, o~°Tp~lical~le to, other lands or strzrcture in the same area. <br />The homes in this area are older; at the time of their construction the setback requirements may <br />have been less restrictive, resulting in homes closer to, if not encroaching into the setbacks. <br />3. The special conditions and circumstances are not a conseauenee of the petitioner's own action or inaction. <br />The applicant purchased the home after it was built and the conditions and circumstances are <br />not a consequence of the petitioner's own action or inaction. <br />4. The literal application o the~rovisiorzs o~this ordinance would deprive the~ietitioner o~rights erzZoyed 6v other <br />properties in the same district under the terms of this ordinance. <br />The applicant would be deprived of architectural elements that other homes in the area are <br />allowed. <br />5. The varzance will not be injurious to or adverse a,~`ect the health, sa~e~ or we~are o~the residents o the cil y or <br />the neighborhood where the property is located and will be in keeling rvith .r~irit and intent of the ordinance. <br />The variance will not be injurious to or adversely affect the health, safety or welfare of the <br />residents of the city or the neighborhood. <br />Action Motion b5~ Second by Vote <br />FOllow Up <br />C:\Users\dhuebner\AppData\Local\I\ticrosoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\OLIi87E4\~' 09-08_BA.doc <br />