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ARTICLE I <br />P'A.CILITIES A.D DEVICE <br />1.01__ __ Purpose, This Agreement provides a means for Connexus Ener and the Cit to <br />gY Y <br />serve their distribution loads from the 'L~aco substation using equipment and facilities as shown <br />in Exhibit A attached hereto and made a part hereof, <br />1.02 Se~ice, Pursuant to this Agreement, the City is obligated to allow Connexus <br />Energy to use the distribution facilities shown in Exhibit A, <br />1.03 Ex ans~o~, The City will provide for all design, construction, operation and <br />maintenance of facilities identified as EMRU ~wNERSHIP shown in Exhibit A in a timel <br />Y <br />fashion, Connexus Energy will reimburse the City for its annual costs for EMRU owned <br />facilities based on demand ratios per Article III, The City will provide for all desi n o eration <br />gs P <br />construction and maintenance of Portion B shown in Exhibit A at its own ex ense. Connexus <br />p <br />Energy shall provide for all design, operation, construction and maintenance of facilities <br />identified as CCNNE~US 4wNERSHIP as shown in Exhibit A at its own ex ense. If <br />p <br />Connexus Energy requires additional facilities, such as another distribution circuit it shall <br />require approval from the City. Approval will not be unreasonably withheld. Connexus Ener <br />gY <br />would do design and construction of additional facilities for Connexus ownershi or <br />p} <br />alternatively, the City may provide the design and ~constructian, Utilities shall rovide ro er <br />p P P <br />planning and load forecasting ~o ensure timely expansion of facilities. <br />1.04 Des n Ca acs Limit, The Parties agree that the desi n ca acit limits of the <br />g p Y <br />Parties facilities will not be exceeded. <br />1.05 Power Factor, Each Utility will provide sufficient ca acitance and reactive <br />p <br />control on its system in order to ensure minimum reactive flow throw h the interconnection, <br />g <br />1.OG Emer encies, Each Utility shall, as soon as possible, notif the s stem o erato <br />Y y p rs <br />of the other Party when it requires emergency electric service, Notification of emer e ' <br />g ncy service <br />is required so that the peak demands used reflect only non~emer enc service, Co <br />g Y nnexus Energy <br />shall secure approval from the City before emergenc service is ut in lace, ' <br />Y p p Approval will not <br />be unreasonably withheld, Peak demand by Cannexus Ener s stem shall n <br />gY Y of exceed seven ~7~ <br />Mw, <br />3 <br />