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Elk River -~ <br />Municipal Utilities <br />13069 Orono Parkway • P.O. Box 430 <br />Elk River, MN 55330-0430 <br />October 5, 2009 <br />To: Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission <br />John Dietz <br />Jerry Gumphrey <br />Daryl Thompson <br />From: Troy Adams <br />Subject: Review 2010 Conservation Improvement Program (CIP) Budget <br />Phone: 763.441.2020 <br />Fax: 763.441.8099 <br />The state has mandated a change in CIP effective 2010 that now requires there to be 1.5% energy <br />reduction instead of spending 1.5% of revenue on energy reduction. This requirement of 1.5% <br />energy reduction is not capped at a specific cost and it complicates the process because energy <br />reduction now needs to be quantified. The state has not given the mandate any "teeth" to enforce <br />or penalize. However, as Energy City, we need to make the best effort to meet the target. <br />We have received good news from Great River Energy that ERMU will be included in their <br />aggregate filing. Also, ERMU will be able to count GRE's infrastructure savings towards our <br />1.5% energy savings requirement. This reduces ERMU contribution to 1 % energy reduction <br />which will need to come from the customer side of the meter. Because of the GRE pass through <br />of CIP savings, essentially ERMU is being treated as a GRE member (as it pertains to CIP). <br />With this benefit, ERMU will be in a great position to meet our requirement without too much <br />additional financial burden. The CIP budget total is $144,320. This reflects approximately an <br />11.5% increase from last year. There are some new programs this year including an appliance <br />recycling program and a furnace blower rebate. Project Conserve will be very important. Last <br />years pilot program had 35 participants. We are looking to have 500 participants this year. <br />Overall, the programs in place put ERMU in a great position to meet the targeted goal. This will <br />become increasing difficult in years to come because we will have already "picked the low <br />hanging fruit." <br />Attached is the proposed 2010 CIP budget for commission review. <br />