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Planning Commission':Vlinutes <br />:-lugust 11, 2009 <br />Page 3 <br />Chair Scott opened the public hearing. There being no public comment, Chair Scott closed <br />the public hearing. <br />Commissioner Ives asked for clarification on time lines for a conditional use permit <br />application versus a permitted use. Mr. Barnhart explained that permitted uses go through <br />the same staff review process as conditional uses, and issues are caught at this level. He <br />stated that the conditional use permit process takes from 6 weeks to 2 'h months, depending <br />upon when during the month an application is initially received. He stated that the staff <br />review process is much smoother and faster. <br />Chair Scott asked if complaints have been received about the process. Mr. Barnhart stated <br />that there are no specific current complaints but that general complaints that the process <br />takes too long have been received. Chair Scott asked if Planned Unit Development (PUD) <br />projects would be affected by the ordinance amendment. Mr. Barnhart stated that only C-3 <br />and C-4 zoning districts would be affected, and there would be no change in the <br />requirements for PUD's. <br />Commissioner Anderson stated that he felt the changes make sense. <br />MOTION BY COMMISSIONER LEMKE AND SECONDED BY <br />COMMISSIONER ANDERSON TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE <br />ORDINANCE AMENDMENT RELATING TO RESTAURANTS, CASE NO. OA <br />09-05. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. <br />6. 1. September Planning Commission Meeting <br />Mr. Barnhart stated that due to the Labor Day holiday on September 7~, the Cite Council <br />meeting will be held on Tuesday, September 8~. Therefore, the Planning Commission <br />meeting date is proposed to be moved to Tuesday, September 15~. <br />MOTION BY COMMISSIONER LEMKE, SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER <br />ANDERSON TO CANCEL THE SEPTEMBER 7, 2009 REGULAR PLANNING <br />COMMISSION MEETING DUE TO THE LABOR DAY HOLIDAY, AND CALL <br />A SPECIAL MEETING FOR TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2009. MOTION <br />CARRIED 5-0. <br />6?. Commissioner Lemke Item <br />Commissioner Lemke asked that the Commission be provided updated Land Use and <br />Zoning Maps. Mr. Barnhart stated that new maps will be sent out as soon as possible. <br />Adjournment <br />There being no further business, the meeting of the Elk River Planning Commission <br />adjourned at 7:25 p.m. <br />Minutes ,.prepared by e Huebner <br />Tina Allard <br />City Clerk <br />r /~ <br />T -` -_ <br />Kevin Scott <br />Planning Conunission Chair <br />