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4. BOASR 09-15-2009
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4. BOASR 09-15-2009
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9/11/2009 2:21:12 PM
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9/11/2009 2:16:16 PM
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Print Name: Adam Kersten <br />A type written narrative explaining how the following criteria are met in order to be granted a variance: <br />1) That literal enforcement of the ordinance would cause the applicant undue (unnecessai-h, unavoidable, <br />extreme) hardship. <br />~~ the dra~~~ings it l strata, roar home has a garage walk door that. was installed only inches off of the Bach corner of the <br />structuue. 'T'his walk door, due to elevation differences, is clurend~- unusable. 'I'l~~c literal enforcerr~cnr c,f this <~rdinance <br />dictates that the «~s~alk door ~~~ill nee e.r he ;able tc, be used he cause anti structuue dial could be built to gain access to this <br />door would infringe upon the reyuircd setback. <br />2) That the hardship is caused by special conditions and circumstances which are peculiar to the land and the <br />structure involved and which are not characteristic of or applicable to other lands or structures in the same <br />district. <br />1'he problem is ncofold. h`irst, thr difference in elevation of the d<_>or ,and the grcnttld does n<~t all<,~w ~>ne to pass safely; <br />Second, the placement <.~f the door is such that any attempt to create san access structure puts it in violation of the setback <br />ordinance. 1 Iad better choices been made b~~ ~Iae builder, this could h:a~-e been avoided. <br />3) That the special conditions and circumstances are not a consequence of the applicant's own action or inaction. <br />Since this home. ~,~ras pure}lased from previous openers, we land no c>pportunih- to work with the. builder to place the door <br />in an alternate location. <br />4) That the literal application of the provisions of the Ordinance would deprive the applicant of rights enjoyed by <br />other properties in the same district under the terms of the Ordinance. <br />A majoritT- of home in the neighborhood havt accessible garage:-walk doors. A&'i.thout grantiil~ tl>is variance, we will riot <br />have use. caf said. dc:>or. "I' is an issue for the folkawirl~ teas<~ns: <br />• It is an aesthetics issue. <br />0 7'he. door, ~~-idaout <.t landing looks out of place and takes away from the finished look of the hcnne. <br />o If •ve c°~-er chose to sell this property we would likely be penalized financially b~~ having this door <br />u~laccessible. y . <br />It is a Safety Issue. <br />o ~\'ithout securing the door from the inside., one is Tree to w.~lh out tl~ie door to a S drop. <br />o This door could serve ~as aa~a additional egress from the home should we lose lxawer to the garage doors. <br />~~%c don't have. that abilit~~ currei~ath~. <br />5) That the variance will not be injurious to or adversely affect the health, safety, or welfare of the residents of the <br />Cit3~ or the neighborhood wherein the property is situated and will be in keeping with the spirit and intent of <br />the Ordinance. <br />Since our ~~ard is fci~aced in, there is no access to the proposed strucn.~re to cause any adverse health, s afet~~, or welfare <br />issues..-~\dditionstlly. the pr~>posed deck would not encroach any fu~rthe.r into this sr.ebacls than the garage already does, <br />and since it is in the back ~-:ard, it ~~~ill not liheh~ be visuall}% apparent that the. deck is outside of normal boundaries. <br />All five of these criteria need to be met in order to be granted a variance. Variance or Appeal of Zoning <br />Decision Application 12~22~2008 Last Modified Page 3 s:~>>>,~uvtviNC b1~1tN~:lam;n\.1ppGcation corm.\~'a=;a„~~-,~~n~~;,~.a~,~ <br />
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