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City Council Miriut~s <br />August 17, 2009 <br />Page 2 <br />5.~. Re uest b Elk River Communi A enc for Adna:~ni.stradve Subdivision b Sim le Plat <br />jBaldwin Family Farm Additzon~, Case No_P 0~-03 - I'ublrc H'ea~r~~ <br />Mr. Barnhart presented the staff report. <br />Mayor T~Iin.zing opened the public hearing, There being no one to speak to this issue, Mayor <br />1~linzing continued the public hearing to September 2~, 2449. <br />MOVED BY COUNC~LMEMBER wESTG.A.ARD AND SECONDED BY <br />COUNC~LMEMBER MOTZN TG CONTrNUE THE PUBLIC HEARrNG FOR <br />CASE NO. P 09-03 TO SEPTEMBER 21, 2049, MOTION CARRIED 5-0. <br />5.2. Re nest b Elk River Landfill Znc. for Land Use Amendment to Chan e the Land use of <br />Certain Pro er fxom Minin to Landfill Public Heatr~ Continued from ul G -~ Case <br />No. LU 09-0~ <br />5.3. Re nest b Elk River Landfill xnc. for Rezonin to Chan e the Zonin from A~ <br />A icultural Conservation to SwF Surface waste Facili Public h~ea~r~z Continued <br />from ul G - Case No. ZC 09-01 <br />Ms. Johnson presented the staff report for these two items. She stated the EIk River Landfill <br />requested a special worksession but city staff noted these items were in the middle of a <br />public hearing and didn't feel it was appropriate to meet with the landfill until that hearing <br />was closed. She stated the landfill asked fox additional time in order to present addid.onal <br />information from the EJk River Landfdl but that city staff hadn't received any information <br />until this afternoon and didn't have time to analyze it prior to this meeting. She stated that <br />on numerous occasions, city staff has been trying to schedule meetings with the landfill <br />without response. <br />Mayor i~Jinzing re-opened the public hearing. <br />Wayne Hanson, Director of Generation for Great River Energy spoke in favor of the <br />resolutions before Council. He stated the continued operation of the landfill is important. <br />John Keallas, representing ~ilaste Management -Stated there was a large gap between the <br />landfill and the city's reports and he'd like to submit a report by Economist Richard Voith. <br />He stated Dr. ~'oith could be available to attend a future Council meeting. He reviewed <br />conceptual images for commercial property and screening that were different from their <br />original proposal based on feedback they received at the last meeting. Mr. Keallas suggested <br />creating an eco development that could be supplied by certain types of energy produced <br />from the landfill. He stated he would like to meet with staff in two weeks and then witla <br />Council at their next workshop meeting in four weeks. He apologized for getting the <br />information to Cauncil so late. <br />There being no one else to speak to this issue, Mayor ~~linzing closed the public hearing for <br />both of these items. <br />Councilmember Westgaard stated it is too difficult to make a decision when Council hasn't <br />had time to review the new information provided. <br />Mr. Beck stated the timeframe to act on this request due to the amount of new Iasi minute <br />information provided, the staff time needed to review the data, and to make a presentation, <br />to Council at a worksession would be very fight and would only give the° Council a week to <br />act on the information presented to them. He suggested a condition to the landfill for <br />