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~/ <br />Elk River ^-~ <br />Municip al Utilitie s <br />13069 Orono Parkway . P.O. Box 430 Phone: 763.441.2020 <br />Elk River, MN 55330-0430 Fax: 763.441.8099 <br />TO: Elk River Utilities Commission <br />John Dietz <br />Jerry Gumphrey <br />Daryl Thompson <br />FROM: Wade Lovelette <br />SUBJ: Staff Update -Technical Services Department <br />The following is a summary of projects and/or updates over the past several weeks: <br />1. The Locating Department had a total of 273 locate tickets for August. Some of them are meets <br />which required several trips back to the same area as needed to mark utilities. <br />2. The Metering Department continues with weekly and monthly substation checks, changing out <br />meters to the radio read meters, and doing the monthly power bill. The metering dept also worked <br />with the city police dept in trying to solve their RF problems in their cameras and monitors. <br />Adam Freiberg attended metering roundtable talks in Brainerd. <br />The Security Systems Department had a total of 71 phone contacts, 19 personal visits, 19 systems <br />quoted, 19 sales made, 18 installs completed and 19 service calls for the month of July. Another <br />great month! <br />4. Map books continue to be updated daily as crews add or change items in them. <br />5. Power Plant staff has performed the monthly run of the generators and everything looked good. <br />Steve Ziemer has been installing safety latches and doors on all the water towers to restrict access <br />by antennae workers. This was brought on by requiring antennae equipment to be housed inside <br />the water tower. <br />6. Mike Thiry, Rick Schaust and Wade Lovelette participated in Elk River's Night to Unite and <br />had great feedback. <br />