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look into scheduling a movie in the park that night. License Fees run from $275- $500 <br />depending on the movie. <br />Discussion was also held to discuss when to have the Downtown Holiday Open House <br />with Santa. The date chosen for this event was Saturday, December 12th. We need to let <br />Stephanie know for sure by the end of May so she can get the information into the park <br />guide. <br />Flowers downtown: we voted to give Meryl $200 to purchase roses for the planters. <br />Wendy will talk to her about getting people to help her get things planted so all looks <br />great by ArtSoup. <br />ArtSoup is being held downtown on June 20th. Lots of activities are planned. Jackson <br />Ave will be closed and artists will have booths set up. There will be street chalk art <br />painting, a family activities tent set up by the bottom of the park. Music, Dance, Theater, <br />Puppet show held on the stage. Stage will have a performance every hour plus <br />performances in the activities tent (go to www.elkriverart.or~ for event schedule and <br />more information closer to the event). There will be a Members Art Show in the Gallery, <br />a Juried Art Show in the O'Reilly Building and a Schroeder Studio Art Tent in the <br />parking lot behind the Arts Alliance Gallery. You can place an Ad in the program or just <br />donate to the arts alliance to help support this event. <br />