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Page 3 <br />Regular meeting of the Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission <br />June 9, 2009 <br />of that year. The results of the URGE test were reviewed. Due to the great work of Steve <br />Ziemer, Michael Price, and Adam Freiberg, the URGE tests have steadily increased. The <br />capacity results from this test will result in $351,648 in annual payments from GRE. <br />5.2 Review and Consider Bids for 191'/: Avenue Rebuild Proiect <br />On June 4, 2009, bids were opened for the cable replacement project on 1911/2 Avenue. <br />Staffrecommends awarding this project to Midwest Diversified Utilities, LLC, the lowest <br />responsive bidder. <br />Jerry Gumphrey moved to award the 1911/2 Avenue rebuild project to Midwest <br />Diversified Utilities, LLC, the lowest responsive bidder. Daryl Thompson seconded the <br />motion. Motion carried 3-0. <br />6.1 Staff Updates <br />David Berg reviewed the SMART System irrigation rebate form. Troy Adams informed <br />Commissioners that he recently checked with the Data Center that was looking into relocating <br />in Elk River and they are still undecided. Mark Fuchs asked for Commission approval to <br />purchase a switchgear cabinet to have as a spare because the two we have in stock are needed to <br />replace two units in poor condition. The cost of this cabinet is approximately $25,000. John <br />asked if this was a budgeted item. Staff responded they would have to check to see if this was <br />included in the projected cost of the improvement project. Troy Adams added that some of the <br />projects budgeted for this year will not be happening so there should be funds available for this <br />purchase. <br />Jerry Gumphrey moved to approve the purchase of one Mode19 Padmount Switchgear <br />with the cost not to exceed $25,000. Daryl Thompson seconded the motion with the <br />condition that staff bring back the quote for formal approval at next months ERMU <br />Commission meeting. Motion carried 3-0. <br />Jerry Gumphrey asked if a fund has been started to replace the generators if or when they fail <br />and parts cannot be found to repair them. Troy Adams responded no. This could be looked into <br />further after the resource study has been done. <br />6.2 Set Date for Next Meeting <br />The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission <br />will be Tuesday, July 14, 2009, at 4:00 p.m. <br />