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City Cou~c~ Minutes Page ~ <br />May ~ ~, 209 <br />4, ~ en Mike <br />Nn ane appeared far apen ixlil~e. <br />~. ~'~ Recav~ry Plan <br />M~~ Pearson outlined the current way city data is stared on servers, He stated t~~e downfall. is <br />that eacl~ individual a.p~la.catian has its o~vn dedicated server. ~e explained the new model <br />for hosting applications is tern-red vittuaii~ation and implements multiple applications <br />residing an shared hardware. ~ Pearson gent on to explain the l~ene~its of v~xtuali~atian <br />and out.~ned costs associated ~'ith it, <br />~iscussian took place on ~unding~ Council concurred with the recorninended change and <br />directed staff to identi£~ passible aptians including leasing and report back to the Council at <br />a later date. <br />5.3. Elk River rite Relief ,A.~~~ciatiorr Update <br />Mr. Liman stated fob Pearson is the secretary of the ilk River Fire Relief ~ssaciatian anal <br />introduced Scott Schmitt as the newly elected president of the association, <br />Simon and . Pearson provided an update on the ~ssaciatian as outlined in their <br />Power~oint, <br />NTr, Pearsara, an behalf of tl~e Relief Association, provided an update an the ~a08 reins <br />and the yearwta~date ~~~~ returns of the R.elief~s assets. The returns weze exceeding tie <br />benchmat'ks established ~n bath 205 and year-to-date far 209, <br />5.~. Comn~,unity Survey <br />Ms. Johnson presented the staff repart~ <br />Cauncilmernber unxphrey questioned the need for a survey. ~VIs, Johnson explained that <br />the item. eras identified as part of the ~oDB Council planning workshop but was latex put on <br />hold by the Caunczi. She stated the Council requested that it be put back on the X009 warp <br />plan but safd it is at Caun~tl. discretion ~rhether or not a su~cvey is conducted. <br />Council consensus was to put the sut-vey an hold until the Council identi.~ies a need far the <br />survey <br />a. ~.. SeweiF Connection zdinance <br />Ms. Johnson presented the staff report, <br />Council consensus was to not change the ordinance, <br />5.5. Caunci~ ~ en Forum <br />Caur~ciinaeniber Cun~phrey stated the dead trees near .~Idi's have not been replaced and the <br />additional trees have not been planted, ll~s, ~ohnson indicated she will have staff look into <br />the issue. <br />