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city's long-term stability. An innovative <br />city-wide initiative known as the Neigh- <br />borhoodAction Program is setting <br />the stage for improved neighborhood <br />livability. The city also established a <br />comprehensive foreclosure response plan. <br />Together, these two efforts are success- <br />fully combating the city's most pressing <br />problems and preserving Brooklyn Park's <br />neighborhoods. <br />The goal of the Neighborhood <br />Action Program is to reduce crime and <br />improve the livability of challenged and <br />distressed single-family neighborhoods. <br />The city established aproblem-solving <br />collaborative among city departments <br />designed to promote information-shar- <br />ing and strategic deployment of <br />resources.The effort created synergies <br />that gave rise to new crime-fighting <br />and quality-of--life improvement strate- <br />gies and tools, such as: <br />^ Increased information exchanges <br />between city departments and resi- <br />dent groups to leverage resident <br />involvement in problem-solving <br />efforts. <br />^ Enhanced law enforcement presence <br />focusing on repeat criminal offenders <br />that have negatively affected the <br />safety of the community. <br />^ Increased property maintenance <br />inspections and code enforcement in <br />focus areas to improve the quality of <br />life in neighborhoods. <br />^ Financing assistance for homeowners <br />to make needed repairs and upgrades <br />as well as redevelopment of blighted <br />properties. <br />^ New databases to identify, track, and <br />arrest repeat criminal offenders. <br />^ New analysis methods to measure the <br />effectiveness of crime-fighting and <br />code enforcement strategies. <br />^ New licensing enforcement policies to <br />deal with problem rental property <br />owners and unlicensed rental properties. <br />Monitoring the rapid increase in prop- <br />erty foreclosures, Brooklyn Park recog- <br />nized the need to develop a systematic <br />plan to mitigate the expected impacts of <br />foreclosures.These anticipated impacts <br />included increasing property vacancy, <br />increasing code enforcement caseloads, <br />and utility shut-offs.The response plan <br />contains three primary strategies: (1) <br />foreclosure prevention, (2) preservation <br />and maintenance of foreclosed homes, <br />and (3) foreclosure recovery. <br />Foreclosure prevention <br />Preventing foreclosures provides com- <br />munities the biggest bang for the buck. <br />Foreclosure prevention counseling is <br />free to all Minnesotans, and Brooklyn <br />Park works closely with the Home- <br />ownership Center and Community <br />Action Partnership for Suburban Hen- <br />nepin to deliver these services to residents. <br />The city has had office hours for a <br />foreclosure prevention counselor one <br />day a week at City Hall.This provides <br />an added level of convenience for resi- <br />dents, allowing them to drop in for free <br />counseling. Enhancing outreach <br />through marketing and special events <br />has also been critical to make home- <br />owners aware of this free resource. <br />Foreclosure prevention counseling <br />has been able to help avoid foreclosure <br />for 20 percent to 30 percent of people <br />seeking assistance. Given the circum- <br />stances, this success rate is tremendous. <br />Preservation and maintenance <br />Recognizing that not all foreclosures <br />can be prevented, preserving and main- <br />taining foreclosed homes helps prevent <br />further property damage and value loss. <br />Streamlining processes, enhancing cross- <br />department communication, and ramp- <br />ing up code enforcement efforts have <br />helped make this successful. <br />City departments work together to <br />identify vacant and foreclosed homes, <br />properly secure vacant units, turn off <br />water service when necessary, and mon- <br />itor properties for unsafe conditions <br />until they are reoccupied. While staff- <br />intensive, these efforts protect homes <br />from vandalism and broken pipes that <br />can cause water damage. <br />Foreclosure recovery <br />Even with aggressive preservation and <br />maintenance efforts, some homes are <br />damaged to such an extent that they are <br />unlikely to be immediately reoccupied <br />and may even need to be demolished. <br />For those homes that can be fixed, <br />repair costs often exceed resale value, <br />providing little incentive for private <br />market rehabilitation. <br />Fortunately, through the Housing <br />and Economic Recovery Act, the fed- <br />eral government has made available <br />Neighborhood Stabilization Program <br />(NSP) funding to help address these <br />challenges. Brooklyn Park will utilize its <br />NSP funding to promote foreclosure <br />recovery in the following manner: <br />MAY 2009 MIN NL'SOTA CITIES <br />^ Establish partnerships with for-profit <br />and nonprofit developers to acquire <br />and rehabilitate foreclosed homes, <br />and put them up for sale. <br />^ Remove homes creating a blighting <br />influence in neighborhoods through <br />direct acquisition and demolition. <br />^ Create homebuyer incentive pro- <br />grams for the purchase and/or reha- <br />bilitation of foreclosed properties. <br />Witnessing national and even global <br />crises destabilize our neighborhoods is <br />a reminder of the fragility of our cit- <br />ies and the extent to which they are <br />subject to events beyond our control. <br />It is easy for local leaders to be over- <br />come with a sense offutility.This kind <br />of environment, however, provides an <br />opportunity to showcase the hard work <br />of individuals involved in local govern- <br />ment and leads to innovation that pays <br />long-term dividends. <br />Successful communities pay close <br />attention to national and global trends <br />and continually assess how these trends <br />will play out at the local level. The abil- <br />ity to anticipate change and respond <br />with a strong plan of action should be a <br />core competency of every community. <br />Continue the conversation at the <br />LMC Annual Conference <br />What innovative solutions has your city <br />developed to deal with the foreclosure <br />crisis? Whenever possible, be sure to <br />share an idea that worked for your city <br />and spread the news about innovative <br />solutions. Cities will have a great <br />opportunity for sharing ideas at the <br />League of Minnesota Cities (LMC) <br />2009 Annual Conference and Market- <br />place June 24-26 in St. Paul.You can <br />learn more about dealing with the fore- <br />closure crisis as well as a variety of <br />other important topics. For more infor- <br />mation and to register for the confer- <br />ence, visit www <br />annual-conference09;jsp. t <br />Jamie T/erbrugye is the city manager of <br />Brooklyn Park. E-mail: Jamie. herbrugge@ <br />brooklynpark. org. Jason Aarsvold is economic <br />and redevelopment director with Brooklyn <br />Park. E-mail:_jason.Aarsvold@brooklyn- <br /> Kimberly Berggren is development <br />project manager with Brooklyn Park. <br />E-mail: Kimberly.Ber~gren@brooklypark. <br />org. T~erbrugge and Aarsvold will be present- <br />ing the LMCAnnual Conference session, <br />"Tackling Foreclosure Problems." <br />