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Ciry Council Minutes <br />~4ay 4, 2009 <br />Page 6 <br />Kailroad Trail • <br />Commissioner Ny=strom stated the railroad trail could be a good asset for the community <br />but needs support to expand trail development in other communities. <br />Mayor Klinzing questioned what needs to happen in order to move trail development <br />forward. <br />Mr. Maertz stated the city could act as an informal organizer to coordinate groups to see <br />what it would take to get further development of the trail. He noted there have been past <br />issues with property acquisition from landowners and the county's willingness to assist. He <br />further stated these types of trails bring growth with bike rental shops and bed and breakfast <br />type businesses. He stated Council support and staff time would be needed. <br />Mayor Klinzing stated if a plan could be put together for this whole project there is a good <br />chance it could get funding. <br />Mayor Klinzing and Councilmembers Westgaard and Zerwas stated it was worth making the <br />effort to try and get further development of the trail. <br />Park Funding <br />Mayor Klinzing questioned the future of park funding and stated a referendum may be <br />needed when the economy improves. <br />Councilmember Motin noted there has been frustration by both the Council and the Parks <br />and Recreation Coininission with having to hold off on park projects due to funding issues. • <br />He stated he is not opposed to a referendum but it would need to take place in the long- <br />term future. <br />Commissioner Anderson stated when the city is built out, park dedication will run dry and <br />other sources of funds will be needed. <br />Landfzll Expansion <br />Councilmember Westgaard questioned if the commission has had a chance to review the <br />many plans that are currently in the works such as the Focus Area Study, Landfill, gravel <br />mining study, etc. <br />Councilmember Zerwas noted the commission spent quite a bit of time thinking and <br />planning for the landfill project. <br />Commissioner Anderson stated if the landfill expansion project is to move forward, the <br />Council may want to require them to complete offsite mitigation for parks. <br />Commissioner Niziolek stated the future of park development lies within the gravel nursing <br />study. <br />Kecreational Programming <br />Mr. Maertz provided an update of recreation activities. <br />Councilmember Gumphrey questioned how the department monitored success with <br />programming. • <br />