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'~ona~;~ i~I ~~~;l~a~~ ~~i~l~o ~:,x~~~-4~:• RaI K:~iill 3~nt~ft <br />-; a~a~~. <br />`~t~'~'t-~i~.:i.,~f" ~`Il~~;~E ~~~:R~'~3I~L~~CE: Sopl~istie~~ted .and P~~~~~eritii <br />"~'ot.:all,y aArire~~~ video .,~r:steaa~;;~ ha~L E~c~ a~rae~ab9, for- det;ades but `becaa~~e They cost <br />~1~ucade of thoauds of do1.E~aes, they ~~,~ Wised :i~~ only .an e~tr,e~e sit~ati~crs or cnilitai~ <br />:S~l~~atic~us.. was its ebg~ ~ ~~e ,~ ta~~~t~ :ia~ ~~>•;relLss tic~:t~~r~u~t~~:a~~r~s eciz~lologv <br />a~ tray, east a~f ssael~ syst~:r~s bas 1Y4r2'ALL a~due~~ 3t] reeel3t years. Ditira'1;neiworks and <br />~~sa~:less eoaeaaa~ieati~~ a[r•~~nr ~r-,erel~~.s ~a~eras ti~r.~ere ~F~ired cameras had been too <br />•ciaaat - e<rtsa?~Fe ice ia~~statr.. Ra~tegrators ~cs~ate a sell' contained totaR.iv ~virelL:ss vi-deo <br />s~+;~te ~y adslarag ~~:.~- us~g a ;eaaerator oa- solar ;panes, on a platform or a tt~i'l cr <br />gated ~atab'R~ "lCCet"` anore ll~:v te9evasaoo xzeu~s vents tliara iaat#-~xson aia~-r-rs. l~~ :fact, <br />~~ ~t~t~- ~iae~e,.~ systerus a~ ~~erf~ seezarity tc,ois that scan be very ~e_ffeet.ix~e z~nc1 <br />~~~ ~ea~ai~r~r g~~ ~ laopca~arity as theia• ~c~tast eorxc~es do~-~~. <br />"~€a: eaaS~ ~svi~les,~ system is desngxaed aroa3md a platfoa~ or trailer ~itla a verti~cai ":coast" <br />for ca~axutang eaa~e~ras, t~~lio ~-ntec~as aa~d ~cmm~urai~catio ei~;ctr~onics. e .integrator <br />iauil~cis ~h s~+steara f€~r ~.:if~~c ;proy~t r~uir~ecne.~is used aspen: <br />di+~ .~rea~~y <br />R:ada~~ coaxaaaaaaaZae~atnora,.~ Eras t~ae~ system ~a~ar~y are. based an orce of ~ 'bacads from <br />~[~[~ to 5.8 Gam. "'tae adeaR 1~~•~aaeu~cy is a e:ocnp:rar~ise based can ~i .number of <br />>Fa~:t~oa~ au~Faae~ing daa~ ~aranou~t oaf data to he tsaLasnaatted, site ~coxadataoczs, obstructi~ous .ixc <br />laaa~-c-~ 3nt, :available ~a?.v~°r aced ep~atibilit3r svitb other e~ipment. <br />~ Povc~ee ~C'cer~~np~oaa <br />'~lae iota9ly ~*ia•~less lief ruu.~ anaelnde a g~nea~tor, del cell or solar laane9s and <br />laa~tt~ries_ ~ow~r c.~-r~~e~aptaoaa oR'die entire system, lengtia of desired operation, <br />eaa~vtamaa~a~i~t ca~uditia~uc aa~ so!me of ~e csaa~u ~cousideaatious. <br />+Caa~eray <br />~:~en ~ealtiplo ~cau~ras are need to meet ~i~aeuts irccorporatang featares s~eh <br />as aaaght a~isioa~, field of ~rae'a~, aoea>n aaad resistaaaee to eovi.ronmecatal exfir~emes. <br />~.~id~ ~aaa,9ytles <br />.Ar4alySas~ aac, be~cog ins°.reasirag~y iaa~portarat au sophistioated systen~s...~~aalytirs <br />a~ a ~ra~v af~rogra~ccai~g ~:omapaateas aar tla~e cameras t'~aecnselv~s to be able to <br />~t~l~igecatly "al~eet" sooaB~ to an event or antelligezatly target the camera itse.R:f oaa eta <br />ob~e+cf. ~aaalgrtics ~eliaaaiaaate a p~~n staring foc• Rlours at a video displays) waiting <br />fns so;tlaang ~ ~~- <br />t3tlaer Sers <br />.a~dditJiocaal seers an. o$3eaa used ~ uaouitor a site 5~ch as infcac-ed beams, pressn~ <br />saes, in:R*rared trion detectors, etc. <br />~-:civ°ang sta+tlou gratla sta~speci~ally traicaed iaz video siarveil3amce must nionitur the <br />site_ <br />l~ada~ o~ optioaas e~os~., ssysstenas are avaiRable vvitta infrared cameras that can <br />s,~t aaa icatstader laidd~ in t'he bhes at 2~ yards or read ~a license plate at haff a n3iie. <br />~s l~es~ ~-yst #~ cwt ~as~d~eds ~~' ~noa~sauds of do.~3ars, ~o~ a typi~eal so~anon <br />of fleas type std at aroanad ~~~, ~tRl fihe cost and complexity of sueli ~systerns makes <br />~e-aa~,~~_videot~ecl.aeoeaa l?age 4 of ~ <br />