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~'L'atally ~r~~irete~s V'ldeo Se~;urltyy ~~~ ~ alarm Keith JentOft <br />T <br />~;onrnunit;ator yvli:ich trazlsznits alarm eveu:ts and video to t}le command post over t:he cell <br />;~~et~v~orlc. "the IZ:F range between the c;ame--as and conimu.nicator is 2,000 feet :line of <br />ssgfit. a4 single coznmunieator :can manage tip to 2~ cameras spread out over .half a square <br />~ziile oz• .an entire b~aildit~g. <br />ti'adeo:ted e.t~l~ances existing s~:~rveillai~ce systems by p:raviding early ~vat-nng :for more <br />so~t~isticated pa.ta~ti:ltlzootn carner~as. tit~irelcss caLZlcra ;placement makes it possible to see <br />~ara~ru~d ~co:~ne~s, inside buildings and cover areas .no:c-rnaiiy .bidden from traditiotral :mast- <br />xnouuted carraeras. ~~e syster~~ is,Eal~le :iu a :fly-advay .kit the size of a briefcase. 'I'llis <br />~ovv cast, tot,adly ~v i~•e~ess videa :security can be deployed with small mobile teams ghat <br />~v~te irx:~possiblc to protect ~rsing more e,~cpensive video surveillance systems. Ever~t- <br />bas~ed video ei~aances fo7•ce protection because it is affordab.te e:no~ubti to provide even <br />i.radividual pers~imel r~vtti video protection. It is portabte, sel.#~powered, and its in a <br />b~-ie~~case; po~,ve3•~sl video security irr a srnai( deployable package. <br />~~~~v~v.videoliecl.ct~n~ Page 2 of'? <br />