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Case File: V 09-O1 <br />Page 2 <br />Variance <br />Yeager shoreline <br />Location Existing Use Land Use Plan Designation Current Zoning <br />Subject <br />Property Residential Urban Residential R 1b <br />North Residential Urban Residential R 1b <br />South Residential Urban Residential R 1b <br />East Residential Urban Residential R 1b <br />West Residential Urban Residential R 1b <br />Overview <br />The Yaegers have requested a variance that would allow a proposed deck to encroach 5 feet into <br />the required 50 foot setback from the ordinary highwater line. The deck is proposed to extend <br />from the house 12 feet. <br />The applicant has provided a narrative, supporting their request for a variance. <br />Applicable Regulations <br />Variance Criteria <br />7. Literal en orcement of the ordinance avill cause undue hardshib. <br />The literal enforcement of the ordinance could consistitute hardship in this situation. The <br />purpose of the shoreline regulations is to "provide for the wise subdivision, use, and <br />development of shorelands of public waters." The 50' setback in this case impacts a small <br />Portion of the proposed improvements, and has negligible impacts on the shoreline due to <br />construction methods and design. <br />2. The hardship is caused b~,r~ecial conditions and circumstances avhich are peculiar to the bro~erty and the <br />structure involved and avhich are not characteristic o~ or~~~licable to other lands or structure in the same area <br />The shoreluie setbacks are consistently applied to all properties along public waters. The river <br />does take a unique shift "into" the lot. <br />3. The sbecial conditions and circumstances are not a consequence of the ~etitioner'.r oavn action or inaction <br />The special condition in this situation is that fact that the layout of the houses to a logical <br />location of the deck which conflicts with the 50 foot setback. While there are other options that <br />would not require the variance, the construction of a normal sized deck is consistent with the <br />pattern established by the neighborhood. Staff has noted the conflicts between the deck and <br />setback issues, and since 2003, has noted this on the surveys. This house was constructed in <br />1998. <br />4. The literal at~t~lication o~ the firovisions o~ this ordinance would derive the petitioner of rights enioved by other <br />properties in the same district under the terms of this ordinance / <br />The property owner is permitted a deck, although the deck is limited to 7 feet of depth versus <br />the planned 12 feet. <br />S:\PLANNING MAIN\Case Files\Variance\V 09-02 Yeager\V 09-02 Yeager BA memo 5-12-09.doc <br />