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special City Counc~, EDA, and Pla~.~ing Minutes <br />Apri11 ~, X009 <br />Page 3 <br />Evaluate past track record in light industrial base and ho~v other cities <br />market <br />- Carnpatible i~dustr~y lacat~ons <br />- Inventory existing sites available to market <br />Diversify economic base planning ~ purposeful research and ~'A~T` study <br />- Desired uses: er~rices, Corporate campuses, FJnergy-related, Technology <br />- Location of the maw. corporate decision~makers <br />- Internal policies i~a place that attract and upholds standards far desired uses <br />- Conduct land inventory and identify near location options far business park <br />of #~: - _- ~eha~ilitat~o~ &_~edeve~o.p~m~~t <br />' Inventory all vacant commercial and residential properties <br />' Identify potential areas far redevelaprraent <br />' Determine role of ~RA~Ci/FDA in redevelopment - positioning of city "toots" <br />' ~~anxrne available tools -far bath pubic and private enterprises <br />' Directory of resaufces available within the community <br />oa~l #3: Comm~nlt~y Itnae lViarketin <br />' Inve~xtory coxnn~uni.ty's assets <br />' Revisit Blandon visioning exercise <br />' .ning floe Con~.prehensive Plan four the con~rnunity's image <br />' Create a structure to develop the cotntnunity's vision <br />Consider Task Force approach for greater community participation awx~ership ~?~ <br />foal ~~-; Trarzs~ortatian. <br />' Revisit transpartatian objectives <br />~, El~und concluded by summarising that the next steps in the planning process X11. be <br />staffs compilation of the r~aeeting notes and working together to draft the work plan £ax <br />EDA, HRH, and City Council reviev~ and appro~ral. <br />~. Ad'ournn~ent <br />There being no further business, President Dv~ryer, Chair ~Vilsan, and Nlayar <br />adjourned the meetings of the ilk Rzver Econanxic Development Authority, pausing and <br />Redevelopment Authority, and City Council, at 9:~~ p~m~ <br />~' ~~ <br />Tina Allard, City Clerk <br />5 ' <br />1~ <br />tepha ~ I~lu~z~ng, ~~O~ <br />