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King Avenue Parking Lot Task Force Minutes <br />Apri15, 2005 <br />Page 5 <br />spots". Ms. Raduenz responded that yes, there were a universal set of parking space <br />regulations that most city planners and public works personnel used to define how much <br />public parking should be made available at a particular location, including disabled parking <br />spaces and those available for employees. Mr. McCoy asked why the group could not <br />do the same for the downtown area of Elk River. Ms. Raduenz responded that the charge <br />for this particular group was to address how the King Avenue lot should be designed and <br />function in the short term, and that the City would most likely be doing some sort of <br />parking study to address broader downtown parking issues at some time in the future, <br />perhaps once the new redevelopment had occurred. Mr. Holme remarked that "some <br />people were not interested in continuing a Task Force". Ms. Raduenz responded by <br />saying that she would put together a series of recommendations from Task Force <br />members about what they felt should happen for the future as part of the final report <br />of the group that she will compose at the end of the process after the May 2005 <br />Task Force meeting. She also stated that perhaps there should be a committee set <br />up under the Police Chiefs jurisdiction that addresses parking and traffic issues in <br />the downtown area as is done in Anoka. Ms. Steinmetz said that she had previously <br />discussed this idea as it related to working with the Rivers Edge Downtown Business <br />Association, and that no one had remarked about it being a good idea. Mr. Holme <br />said he thought the idea of a commission under the Police Chief was a good one and <br />that "someone has to be a watchdog". <br />Mr. Holme also asked Ms. Steinmetz about parking behind the theater. She responded that <br />parking in this location would not be available. He asked about parking behind the Sunshine <br />Depot or First National Bank. Mr. Houlton said that he owned all of the land behind those <br />Buildings and the Bank would have to seize the rest of the land back there if it is decided <br />that the riverwalk project will be pursued. There were many issues associated with this <br />land, mainly topographic and concerning the shape of the lot and its steepness, that would <br />make adding additional parking difficult, according to Mr. Houlton. Mr. Houlton stated that <br />in two years, after the redevelopment has occurred, it will be an "entirely different political <br />environment" and many more changes will probably occur. <br />5. Adjournment <br />The meeting of the King Avenue Parking Lot Task Force adjourned at 9:10 a.m. The next <br />and final meeting of the King Avenue Parking Lot Task Force is scheduled for <br />Thursday, May 5, 2005 at 8:00 a.m. at the First National Financial Center in the 2nd <br />floor Board Room. Members are asked to be ready to walk around the downtown <br />area to inspect Places that could house 2, 3 or 4-hour parking for final <br />recommendations to the HRA and Elk River City Council. <br />Submitted by, <br />Lisa Raduenz <br />LJR, Inc., Transportation and Consultants and Planners <br />