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King Avenue Parking Lot Task Force Minutes <br />March 3, 2005 <br />10 side of the lot. <br />Page 2 <br />Veit Construction was awarded a contract in late February to remove asbestos from the <br />former Municipal Utilities building, according to Mr. Maurer, and he said the bid package for <br />removing the rest of the building would be completed in April. Mr. Maurer told the group <br />that he wanted to go before the City Council on April 4 for approval of the package and <br />award to the lowest bidder. Mr. Holme remarked that the current parking lot is "cracking up <br />in places". Mr. Maurer responded that it was his intent to patch those areas and then have <br />everything "fog-coated" by the contractor to appear uniform. <br />Mr. Maurer reported to the group that he had reviewed requirements for disabled parking <br />spaces at and around the site and it appeared that there would be a need for one more <br />additional disabled spot in the lot, for a total of six (6), and the final total of spaces available <br />when the lot is completed would be 153. Dr. Jarmoluk asked if his office's disabled parking <br />space could be "changed to the corner near his shop in order to see better" (near the corner <br />of Lowell and Main). Mr. Anderson asked if there was any kind of rule about school buses <br />picking up students at that location? Mr. Maurer said he did not know the answer to that <br />question but asked if the problems would be resolved if a four-way stop sign were to be <br />installed at the corner. Mr. Johnson remarked that another stop sign down the street on <br />Main "wouldn't hurt either" because of all the people cutting through plocal streets. Mr. <br />Maurer asked for the group's thoughts on the addition of a four-way stop sign at Main and <br />Lowell. Mr. Houlton asked if the City's intent was to slow down traffic along Main or push <br />traffic off of Main? Ms. Raduenz asked Mr. Maurer if traffic counts had been done at any <br />time in the recent past in this area. Mr. Maurer responded that traffic counts could be <br />done in the Spring. Mr. Anderson said that the issue was mobility, but added that there was <br />a pedestrian crossing issue near the Cretex building. Mr. Maurer said that the pedestrian <br />problem could be solved today by extending striping before afour-way stop sign would be <br />installed at the intersection. <br />Discussing the staging of construction for the King Avenue Park Lot, Mr. Maurer stated that <br />curb and gutter would be extended to define the drive aisle around the King and Main <br />corner and that pavers would be used to define pedestrian space in the sidewalk by the <br />school district building area. He reiterated that King Avenue would be closed at the <br />northwest corner of the King Avenue parking lot site, that the sidewalk was eight-feet <br />wide near the school district building, and that this would be the "bulk" of the non-vehicle <br />space available at that location. Mr. Maurer said that there would be some elimination of <br />parking along the aisle on that side during the construction process, and that construction <br />would begin around the middle-to-end of May and continue for approximately 4-6 weeks, <br />barring any weather problems. <br />Mr. Maurer said he hoped to confine the construction staging area to the west side of the lot, <br />and leave approximately half of the lot open and available for parking during the <br />reconstruction process. He said that he needed to survey the best time for removal of the <br />former Municipal Utilities building, and once that was completed, the crew would first <br />patch the lot, then take out the curbing along the store side, then put up a fence around the <br />reconstruction site on the bank side of the lot. Mr. Maurer asked the group if they thought <br />about whether or not there should be some sort of signage put up during the reconstruction <br />process saying that parking was available, and, if so, where should it go? There was no <br />response from anyone in the group on this question. <br />Mr. Holme said that "everyone was concerned about where construction workers will park" <br />