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E~orvor~r~ ~~V~LOPI`~ENT <br />MISSION STATEMENT: <br />Our mission is to actively participate in economic development by utilizing available resources <br />to leverage viable and healthy investments in our community. Such investments will create <br />diverse job opportunities as a result of a stable and growing business and industrial base. We <br />will strive to provide quality services, maintain a favorable tax rate, supply full-cycle housing <br />options for our residents, and foster an environment that will result in substantial growth of <br />our local economy. <br />In addition, the strategic industrial marketing mission is to become the Light Industrial Hub of <br />the Northwest Metro. <br />YEAR I N REVIEW <br />ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY <br />Economic Development Strategic Plan <br />The Economic Development Strategic Plan provides a framework for the City Council and <br />Economic Development and Housing and Redevelopment Commissions to work within and <br />focuses staff energies on those priority areas important to the economic health of the city. The <br />original Strategic Plan was adopted in 1997 and was modified in 1999 reflect a reorganization of <br />priority issues. <br />Jim Brimeyer, Brimeyer & Associates facilitated the 2004 strategic planning discussions which <br />included participation from the City Council, EDA, HRA and EDA subcommittees Incubator <br />Advisory, Finance, Marketing and city staff. The 2004-2007 Strategic Plan was adopted in late <br />2004 by the EDA, HRA and City Council. The priority goals identified in the Plan are: <br />I) Industrial Development <br />2) Central Business District <br />3) Transportation <br />4) Commercial Development. <br />2004 Advertising & Public Relations Campaign <br />The advertising campaign in 2004 was consistent with previous years in order to make a <br />stronger impression for Elk River as the Light Industrial Hub of the Northwest Metro. <br />Advertisements were placed in the MN Real Estate Journal Leasing Guide, The Business Journal, <br />and the Manufacturers Alliance Newsletter. The advertisements featured photos of Cymbet, <br />Display Solutions, E & O Tool and Plastics, Metal Craft Machine & Engineering, Orluck <br />Industries, SoftPac, and Sportech. <br />The economic development newsletter, the Progress Partner Dispatch, continued for the second <br />year in 2004. April, July, and December editions highlighted issues important to manufacturers <br />and site selectors. Approximately 500 people receive the newsletter, including key accounts, <br />and local and area manufacturers. In October, a direct mail piece was distributed to the same <br />500 people promoting the Micro Loan Program and the Technical Assistance Program. <br />