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King Avenue Parking Lot Task Force Minutes <br />February 1, 2005 <br />Page 3 <br />Superindendent, was able to come to an upcoming meeting of the group. Mr. Houlton said <br />it did not change what was already happening today at the site. Mr. Holme said he noticed <br />one pile that day that was 'not really a problem' and that vehicles which are left in the lot for <br />days are the real issue for snowplows in the lot. He suggested that the cars that are sitting in <br />the lot get towed to the area near the river which the Bank owns for parking during snow <br />emergencies. Ms. Raduenz reminded the group that Mr. Maurer had to leave early from the <br />meeting and that the group should let him continue down his list of items to discuss. Mr. <br />Maurer continued to discuss construction staging at the site, and said that he would have <br />more definitive answers at the next group meeting, but that tentative plans called for keeping <br />a section of the lot open during reconstruction. Mr. Maurer said that the blacktopping <br />would be scheduled around nonpeak usage of the lot, and that the contractor would be in <br />charge of fencing off areas as necessary throughout the building construction zone. Mr. <br />Maurer asked the group's members to provide him with direction on the day of the week <br />and the time of the day that would work best for the businesses, including weekends. Mr. <br />Houlton and NIr. Holme said that the main issue would be to 'do it fast'. NIr. Maurer said <br />that perhaps it would be best to close the lot down for one complete day for the final lift of <br />bituminous and striping with no parking just to get it done. <br />Mr. McCoy asked Ms. Steinmetz about the possibility of using the "old Jungle" site for <br />additional parking during the parking lot reconstruction process. He mentioned that <br />he thought the place was going to be removed prior to construction on the riverfront site <br />and perhaps it could be used for parking while the lot was in reconstruction. Mr. Holme <br />asked if it was possible to allow temporary parking between the Sunshine Depot and the <br />Cinema Building. Ms. Steinmetz said she would check into both options. She thought that <br />the HRA and City Council had already discussed the issue of temporary parking between the <br />Depot and the Cinema Building, but that she would double check. <br />Mr. Houlton asked Mr. Maurer if he planned on burying overhead utility lines in the lot. <br />Mr. Maurer asked the group if the lot was adequately lit today. He said the power <br />feeds were buried within the buildings but he would check on this. Mr. Holme said that it <br />wasn't an issue for him as his employees went out the front door due to the alarm set at 9 <br />pm each night, but that it might be an issue for other businesses in the area if it was not <br />adequately lit for employees leaving businesses at closing time. <br />Mr. Houlton brought up the issue of delivery trucks to the site and said there was no <br />maneuvering room near the area of the meat market or the bakery. He said that the <br />configuration appeared to be laid out for car traffic and parking issues, and asked whether a <br />big truck or garbage truck would be able to maneuver through the lot as needed once it was <br />completed? Discussion ensued about the staging of garbage haulers and trucks now, and <br />whether or not something more cooperatively could be done with trash haulers in order to <br />limit the number of trucks now going through the lot for garbage hauling. Mr. Ho1me said <br />he thought that everyone was using the same hauler, Randy's Sanitation, but that there were <br />other issues that should be further discussed like--a) where should dumpsters be placed on <br />the site; b) can they be combined to make more parking room?; c) What is Olde Main Eatery <br />doing for garbage and recycling; and d) the frequency of commercial trucks and when during <br />the day they normally pick up (is it truly 7:00 a.m.?). <br />2. A roval of anua 4 2005 Task Force Meetin Minutes <br />Ms. Raduenz asked the group to approve the meeting minutes from its first meeting held on <br />January 4, 2005. Upon review, the members approved the minutes as they were presented. <br />