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b) The members of the commission shall serve without pay or reimbursement for <br />expenses. <br />Purpose <br />The Energy City Commission is established to promote the City of Elk River as a hub of <br />energy technology, energy manufacturing, energy demonstrations, recycling, use of green <br />products and education. <br />Powers and duties <br />The Energy City Commission shall have the following responsibilities: <br />1) Aid, create, promote, endorse, sponsor, and facilitate energy related <br />demonstrations. <br />2) Work for the continuing education of the public with respect to energy <br />technology, energy manufacturing, energy demonstrations, recd clin ,use <br />of green products and education <br />3) Solicit gifts and contributions to be made to the city and assist in the <br />preparation of applications for grant funds for the purpose of energy <br />technology, energy manufacturing, energy demonstrations, recycling, use <br />of green products_and education. <br />4) Such other responsibilities as the city council shall assign from time to <br />time. <br />Meetings and rules of procedure <br />The Energy City Commission shall meet at least four times each calendar year. The <br />dates, times and locations shall be established by city council resolution. Additional <br />meetings may be held at any time at the call of the chair or the request of two other <br />commissioners. Notice of additional meetings, including the time and place thereof, shall <br />be communicated to each member of the commission at least three days prior to the <br />meeting, posted at city hall and, if time permits, published in the city's official <br />newspaper. The commission shall be governed and operate pursuant to Robert's Rules of <br />Order, Newly Revised (ninth edition). <br />Contracts with Commissioners <br />Individual Commission members, or their employees, may enter into contracts with the <br />Commission or the City for consultant or other services, provided that no Commissioner <br />shall vote on the approval of any contract for which the Commissioner, the <br />Commissioner's employer, or any family member of the Commissioner would be a party. <br />