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~/ <br />Elk River <br />Municipal Utilities <br />13069 Orono Parkway <br />Elk River. MN 55330 <br />October 4, 2006 <br />To: Elk River Municipal Utilities commission <br />Jerry Takle <br />Jim Tralle <br />John Dietz <br />From: Theresa Slominski <br />Subject: 2007 Health Insurance <br />phone: 763.441.2020 <br />Fax: 763.441.8099 <br />Attached is a letter from Jodi Berge, our Account Executive with David Martin Agency, <br />regarding our 2007 health insurance rates. As I mentioned in a prior commission <br />meeting, the renewal is only a 7.4% increase this year. Jodi offers information regarding <br />the pool we participate in, rate determination, amendments for 2007, and some alternative <br />cost options as well. <br />Last year we assembled a task group together to review the insurance plan because we <br />had such a significant increase over the prior year and needed some cost containment <br />measures implemented. With only a 7.4% increase, the desire to pursue other insurance <br />options is not as critical as in past years, but I would still like to gather the group together <br />again and focus on the long term. What can we be doing now to curtail insurance costs in <br />the future? Do we want to start offering alternative plans (although our pool has limited <br />alternatives)? If it is this commission's desire to pursue this avenue of focus, I will move <br />forward with the task group. <br />