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~// <br />Elk River <br />Municip al Utilitie s <br />13069 Orono Parkway <br />Elk River. MN 55330 <br />October 3, 2006 <br />To: Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission <br />Jerry Takle <br />Jim Tralle <br />John Dietz <br />From: Bryan Adams <br />Subject: Miscellaneous Issues <br />phone: 763.441.2020 <br />Fax: 763.441.8099 <br />Enclosed is the packet for the Tuesday, October 10, 2006, commission meeting at 4:00 pm. <br />The electric department continues to make good progress on the large construction projects. <br />The water department is shifting in the maintenance mode with hydrant and distribution valve <br />repair and preparing the system for cold weather. Administration is spending a lot of time on <br />the budgeting process as well as preparing for next years projects. <br />Attached is a feature article from MMUA's Resource on Elk River as Energy City. Some of <br />the numerical statistics are incorrect, but the point of the article is good. <br />In 2004, a young driver was killed when her car went off the road and hit a utility pole. We are <br />named in a suit along with Sherburne County and Connexus Energy. Attached is a copy of the <br />wrongful death complaint. I have turned this issue over to the League of Minnesota City for <br />they provide our liability insurance. <br />Previously, staff mentioned to the commission the raising issue of "utility boxes" in right of <br />way or utility easements. The city council has received some complaints from residents about <br />excessive "utility boxes". Attached is my response addressing this issue. Do you have any <br />comments that would provide further insight into this issue? <br />