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Payments and Contributions by Public Power Distribution Systems <br />To State and Local Governments, 2004 Data <br />Executive Summary <br />Public power systems provide a direct benefit to their communities in the form of payments <br />and contributions to state and local government. The total value of the contributions made <br />by the publicly owned utilities often comes in many forms and is not always easily <br />recognized. In addition to payments such as property-like taxes, payments in lieu of taxes, <br />and transfers to the general funds, many of the utilities make other contributions in the form <br />of free or reduced cost services provided to states and cities. APPA calculated net <br />payments and contributions for 343 public power systems in the most current data year of <br />2004 and determined that the median amount contributed was 5.3 percent of electric <br />operating revenues. . <br />In 2004, investor-owned utilities paid a median of 4.6 percent of electric operating revenues <br />in taxes and fees to state and local governments. <br />It is a common misconception that investor-owned utilities provide a benefit to the local <br />communities by paying taxes that the publicly owned utilities do not. This report <br />demonstrates just the opposite. When all taxes, tax equivalents and other contributions to <br />state and local government are considered, the median amount contributed by public power <br />systems in 2004, as a percent of electric operating revenues, was 15% higher than investor- <br />owned utilities (5.3% vs. 4.6%). <br />