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'~+J~ <br />Elk River <br />Municip al Utilitie s <br />13069 Orono Parkway <br />Elk River, MN 55330 <br />August 8, 2006 <br />To: Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission <br />Jerry Takle <br />John Dietz <br />Jim Tralle <br />From: Bryan Adams <br />Subject: Proposed Water Main Projects <br />'~ <br />'"~ phone: 763.441.2020 <br />Fax: 763.491.8099 <br />This 2006 water budget contains the following two water main projects: <br />a) Loop dead end water main at Guardian Angels for $12,000 <br />b) Loop water main at 175`x' Av to improve Johnson St. water tower for $75,000 <br />The $75,000 looping water main projects (item b above) was replaced with the Hyland Av. <br />Water main project due to rebuilding Hyland Av. <br />Guardian Angels is proposing an addition to their facilities which is the cross hatched area on the <br />attached drawing. They need to extend the water main for fire protection & hydrants (dark blue <br />line) and loop internal water lines (light blue line). We at our cost would extend the water main <br />north (red line) thereby closing the water main loop and provide better fire protection to the <br />Abra/JR Teck/Tires Plus building. The cost to the ERMU is estimated to be in the $55,000 <br />range. This is a good project where both Guardian Angels benefits, the fire department can <br />provide better fire protection and we loop the water system in this area. Due to Guardian Angels <br />construction schedule, staff recommends authorization be given to proceed with this project and <br />complete it in 2006. <br />Also attached is a water main map of S.E. Elk River. Our original plan was to construct a water <br />main from 175`x' Av North and tie it into the Trott Brook Farms South development water main <br />thereby securing two sources of feed/discharge for the Johnson St. water tower. This was not <br />done due to easement issues and Hyland Av project using the funds. Wells 7 & 8 feed treatment <br />plant #7 but we have been experiencing high pressure issues at plant #7 when both wells 7 & 8 <br />run together. This situation will be made worse when we construct proposed well #1 1 which <br />will also feed plant #7. The solution is to construct another 12" water main from plant #7 south <br />to Co Rd 12 (red line). This additional line will dissipate the water quicker, this reducing the <br />pressure. This addition will also reinforce the flow through the 10" proposed main from 175`x' <br />Av to Trott Brook Farms South. These projects we are proposing to do together which is <br />estimated to be 4500' for $270,000. Staff is recommending this project start engineering this <br />year for early 2007 construction and be ready by late May 2007 for the summer peak. These <br />water mains will be directional bored in public right way instead of private easements. <br />