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ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES <br />REGULAR MEETING OF THE <br />UTILITIES COMMISSION <br />May 16, 2006 <br />Members Present: Jerry Takle, President; John Dietz, Vice Chair; James Tralle, Trustee <br />Staff Present: Bryan Adams, General Manager; Glenn Sundeen, Line Superintendent; <br />David Berg, Water Superintendent; Theresa Slominski, Office Manager; <br />Troy Adams, Engineering Manager; Judy McSpadden, Recording Clerk <br />Other Employees Present: Wade Lovelette, Mark Fuchs, Richard Wagner, Trevor Gwiazdon <br />1. Call meeting to order May 16, 2006 <br />President Jerry Takle called the May 16, 2006, meeting to order. <br />2. Consider Utilities Agenda <br />James Tralle moved to approve the May 16, 2006, Utilities Agenda as amended. John <br />Dietz seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. <br />3. Consider Consent Agenda <br />John Dietz asked for verification of a check, staff responded. John Dietz also noted he <br />was glad to see the overtime payroll down. Glenn Sundeen replied that the crews are now <br />starting nine hour days to keep up with projects so there will be more overtime as needed. <br />James Tralle moved to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: <br />April Check Register <br />April 11, 2006, Minutes <br />Financials <br />John Dietz seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. <br />5.1 Staff Up-dates <br />Bryan Adams relayed to the Commission that a 20% renewable energy requirement <br />passed the State Senate but so far there is no House Companion bill. Representative Jim <br />Oberstar is pursuing the captive rail shippers issue. Recently he attended an APPA conference <br />in Minneapolis on transmission markets. <br />Glenn Sundeen informed the Commission that the Highway 101 and County Road 42 <br />road boring should be done by June 5~'. There will be a scheduled outage for the City of <br />Dayton to proceed with switching to the new cable for that service extension. The new feeder <br />for the data center is going well as is the feeder project in Otsego. <br />David Berg reported there were 11 new security accounts in April. Currently security is <br />being installed at the wells so they can be monitored via the SCADA system. Water main <br />maintenance is being done in the areas where they are doing the road overlays. <br />