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3.0 ERMUSR 05-16-2006
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Utilities Commission
3.0 ERMUSR 05-16-2006
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3/31/2009 3:41:24 PM
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Page 3 <br />Regular meeting of the Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission <br />April 11, 2006 <br />car washes have done in the past. Staff responded they have hooked up to the City water <br />system. <br />Jerry Takle moved to deny the request for Elk River Ford to utilize a well for the car wash. <br />John Dietz seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. <br />At this time it was requested if 6.1 could be moved up to accommodate Steve McDonalds <br />schedule. <br />6.1 Review & Consider 2005 Audit <br />Steve McDonald of Abdo, Eick & Meyers, LLP reviewed the 2005 audit. Steve <br />McDonald indicated everything went well with only minor adjustments. John Dietz asked if <br />the cover letter of the audit could be more descriptive regarding the problem that occurred <br />with a previous employee and the changes that have been implemented to assure that it would <br />not happen again. <br />John Dietz moved to receive and file the 2005 audit with a more descriptive cover letter. <br />James Tralle seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. <br />5.2 Review Internet Access & Request Partners <br />Bryan explained the current computer system at the office. Bob Pearson discussed the <br />Request Partners program the City has (which is available now) and how the utilities office <br />employees could utilize this. This summer, after he has the proper appliance in place the <br />Utilities would be able to utilize the intemet through the City hub. <br />Wireless intemet was brought up as the City of Buffalo has this service and supplies it to the <br />community. Bryan Adams was directed to look into the costs associated with supplying <br />wireless Internet to the community. <br />6.3 Review Cash Flow Projection (Sprin~stad) <br />After the results of the audit are received, staff again looks at our cash flow projections or <br />Springstad Studies. This study looks at our cash flow projections to ensure our water and <br />electric rates are set appropriately to cover our anticipated costs. Bryan Adams reviewed the <br />cash flow projections. The study for both electric and water indicate the cash reserves remain <br />relatively flat for the next few years and do not achieve the desired level of reserves. An <br />electric rate study will be done this year to determine if our rates are appropriate. In the past <br />only the rate increase passed down to us from GRE has been passed on to the rate payer. The <br />Utilities has not passed on the increased costs associated with material, equipment, labor, and <br />benefits such as insurance. This is going to be a factor in future rate increases. Water rates <br />will be watched very closely. <br />
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