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:;83.51 Disqualification of drivers. <br />(a; General <br />(aj(1) A dhver or holder of a CDL who is disqualified must not drove a CMV_ <br />~ "') An employer must not knowingly allow, require, permit, or authorize a driver who is disqualified to drive a CMV. <br />t. ,,.~) A driver is subject fo disqualification sanctions designated in paragraphs (b) and (c) of this section, if the holder of a COL drives a CMV or n <br />CP~1V and is convicted of the violations. <br />(a)(4) Determining first and subsequent violations. For purposes of determining first and subsequent violations of the offenses specified in this <br />subpart, each conviction for any offense listed in Tables 1 through 4 to this section resulting from a separate incident, whether committed in a CM <br />or non-CMV, must be counted. <br />(a)(5) Reinstatement after lifetime disqualification. A. State may reinstate arn,~ driver disquaGfled for life for offenses descrbed in paragraphs (b)(1 ) <br />through (b)(8) of this section (Table 1 to 383.51) after 10 years if that person has voluntanly entered and successfully completed an appropriate <br />rehabilitation program approved by the State. Any person who has been reinstated in accordance with this provision and who is subsequently <br />ccnvicted of a disqualifying offense described in paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(8) of this section (Table 1 to 383.51) must not be reinstated. <br />(b) Disqualification for major offenses . <br />Table 1 to 383.51 contarns a list of the offenses and periods for which a driver must be disqualified, depending upon the type of vehicle the driver <br />operating at the time of the violation, as follows: <br />Table 1 to Sec. 383.51 <br />If a driver operates a motor For a first For a first ; For a first conviction or ! For a second For a second <br />vehicle and is convicted o f: conviction or conviction or refusal to be tested ~ conviction or refusal conviction or <br /> refusal to be refusal to be ,while operating a CMV to be tested in a refusal to be test <br /> tested while tested while I transporting hazardous separate incident of in a separate <br /> operating a CMV,a operating anon- I materials required to be any combination of incident of any <br /> person required to CMV, a CDL placarded under the offenses in this Table combination of <br /> have a CDL and a holder must be Hazardous Materials while operating a offenses in this <br /> CDL holder must disqualified from Regulations (49 CFR CMV, a person Table while <br /> be disqualified operating a CMV part 172, subpart F), a required to have a operating a non <br /> from operating a for !person required to haver CDL and a CDL CMV, a CDL hold <br /> CMV for a CDL and CDL holder holder must be must be disqualifi <br /> must be disqualified disqualified from from operating . <br /> from operating a CMV operating a CMV for CMV for <br />m for <br /> <br /> <br />(1) Being under the influence <br /> <br />1 year. _. <br /> <br />1 year. <br />_ _ _ <br />3 years. :Life. Life. <br />of alcohol as prescribed by <br />State law. <br /> <br />(2) Being under the influence <br />1 year. <br />1 year. __ <br />3 years. Life. .Life. <br />of a controlled substance. <br />(3) Having an alcohol 1 year. Not applicable. 3 years. Life. 'Not applicable. <br />concentration of 0.04 or <br />greater while operating a <br />CMV. <br />_ _ __ <br />(4) Refusing to fake an alcohol <br />1 year. <br />1 year. <br />3 years. Life. Life. <br />test as required by a State or <br />jurisdiction under its implied <br />consent laws or regulations as <br />UCIII ICU III 30J. / L V I tI IIJ pall 1. <br />;5) Leaving the scene of an 1 year. 1 year. 3 years. Life. .Life. <br />accident <br />;6) ' ng the vehicle to 1 year. 1 year. 3 years. Life. Life. <br />nor, . a felony, other than a <br />felony described in paragraph <br />"b)(9) of this table. <br />