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Page 3 <br />Regular meeting of the Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission <br />March 14, 2006 <br />5.2 Electrical Project Update <br />We are getting into our 2006 budget year and are starting to see some significant <br />electrical capital budget variances due to added, larger and under estimated projects. The <br />concerned projects were reviewed and staff recommends delaying some rebuilds and a service <br />territory acquisition this year to make up the deficit. <br />5.3 Review MMUA Position Papers <br />Bryan Adams and Jerry Takle recently participated in APPA's legislative rally in <br />Washington D.C. Discussion followed regarding the fact sheets and position papers that were <br />addressed at the rally. <br />5.4 Update LFG Project <br />The landfill gas to electric generation project is finally moving ahead. This project entails <br />adding a 4`'' engine/generator to our landfill facility. The amendments and agreements were <br />reviewed with staff recommending authorization be given to execute the documents. <br />James Tralle moved to approve authorization be given to execute the gas purchase, operating <br />and maintenance, and financing agreement regarding the LFG project. John Dietz seconded <br />the motion. Motion carried 3-0. <br />5.5 Review Benefit Survey <br />It is time to survey the seven comparable utilities for salaries and benefits. Bryan Adams <br />asked the Commission if there were any specific items they would like surveyed? James <br />Tralle would like to know if other utilities offered a 401(K) type retirement plan in addition to <br />existing 457 plan that employees could contribute in. This alternate plan would be employee <br />contribution only. <br />6.1 Review & Consider Bids for Data Center Feeder Installation <br />Wednesday, March 8, 2006, bids were received to install 28,200' of 1000 KCMIL and <br />500 KCMIL conductors and associated padmount switchgear. This cable is to serve the Data <br />Center and other loads in western Elk River. Staff recommends awarding to the lowest <br />responsive bidder MP NexLevel, LLC. <br />John Dietz moved to award the 1000 and 500 KCMIL underground conductor installation to <br />the lowest responsive bidder, MP NexLevel, LLC. James Tralle seconded the motion. <br />Motion carried 3-0. <br />