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Elk River <br />Municipal Utilities <br />13069 Orono Parkway phone: 763.441.2020 <br />Elk River, MN 55330 Fax: 763.441.8099 <br />February 9, 2006 <br />Mr. Ronald Reigle <br />United Health Group <br />9900 Bren Road East <br />Minnetonka, MN 55343 <br />Subject: Proposed Data Center <br />Dear Ron, <br />This letter is in response to your February 1, 2006 inquiry regarding electric and water <br />utility capacity to support your proposed data center facility. <br />The municipal water system has adequate water production facilities and water <br />distribution infrastructure in place to meet your stated requirements of 114 GPM at peak <br />times. Your annual quantity is estimated to be 60 million gallons. Attached is a partial <br />water distribution map reflecting the looping of the water mains in your proposed area. <br />There is a million gallon elevated water tower within sight of your proposed facility. Elk <br />River currently has seven municipal wells, the closest being adjacent to the water tower <br />mentioned above. <br />The water meter is of utility ownership and located inside the facility. This meter will <br />be radio read on a monthly basis. We will need access to this meter for calibration and <br />maintenance on an annual basis. With an assumed 3" meter, a by-pass loop will be <br />required to facilitate meter maintenance. You will also have an un-metered service for <br />your fire protection system. The water connection fee will be the WAC fee of $2000 per <br />unit plus the cost of the water meter. The waste water connection fee will be a SAC fee <br />of $3500 per unit. The number of WAC and SAC units will be determined by the <br />building and zoning department using Met Council guidelines. <br />In regard to your electric requirements, we offer the following solution. The overhead <br />electrical line on Waco Street (directly west of your proposed location) has 3-4 MW of <br />extra capacity to meet your December 2006 testing requirement.. We currently have <br />transformer and substation capacity at our Substation 14 to provide you with 14-20 MW <br />of capacity. If authorization to proceed is given by mid-March 2006; we can secure and <br />have delivered by August 2006, the necessary underground electric cable to deliver <br />approximately 20 MW of capacity through two 10 MW parallel feeders. Installation of <br />