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LMC <br />Page 2 <br />January 26; 2006 <br />.cities, and two people represent rental property owners. One person represents tenant interests. <br />Two people represent the general public, for a total of eleven members. <br />The League is completing tabulation of a survey of cities (in which-your city may have <br />participated) to assess the extent to which cities depend on existing statutory authority to certify <br />delinquent rental property water and sewer utility charges. Those findings will be presented to <br />the first meeting of a working group on Monday, January 30`h <br />The League is also aware of another issue on which we are seeking immediate <br />information: If your city has recently been contacted and questioned about whether your city <br />supports the current practice whereby cities certify overdue water and sewer bills to the county <br />for collection with property taxes, please contact me immediately. There has been at least one <br />instance in which a city has been contacted in this manner without appropriate disclosure of the <br />identity or intent of the individual who has inquired about current city practices in this area. <br />Please also contact Representative Mark Olson and/or Senator Betsy Wergin as soon as <br />possible. Tell them how important it is for your city to keep the authority to certify tenants <br />delinquent water and sewer charges to be collected with property taxes. <br />