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Board of Adjustments Minutes <br />August 12, 2008 <br />Page 2 <br />Commissioner Anderson asked how many exits the church had off 4~h Street. Mr. Leeseberg <br />explained that there is one off 4~h Street and one off Main Street. He asked if staff has <br />considered allowing only one entrance, off 4~h Street. He stated he had concerns about <br />parking. Mr. Leeseberg stated that the variance is under consideration at this time and that <br />parking can be addressed when the site plan is reviewed. He noted that on street parking is <br />available to the church in this location, as it is for other uses in the downtown area. <br />MOTION BY COMMISSIONER AUSTAD AND SECONDED BY <br />COMMISSIONER LEMKE TO APPROVE THE REQUEST BY ELK RIVER <br />UNITED METHODIST CHURCH FOR VARIANCES TO THE SETBACK <br />REQUIREMENTS, BY ALLOWING A 7-FOOT SETBACK FROM THE <br />PROPERTY LINE ON MAIN STREET, AND A 10-FOOT SETBACK FROM <br />THE PROPERTY LINE ON 4TH STREET, FOR A BUILDING ADDITION. <br />Chair Westgaard stated that he shared Commissioner Anderson's concern that parking be <br />reviewed, since growth could be an issue. He stated that he supported the variance. <br />MOTION CARRIED 6-0. <br />5. Other Business -None <br />6. Adjournment <br />There being no further business, MOVED BY COMMISSIONER STAUL ADJOURN <br />THE MEETING. <br />The meeting of the Elk River Board of Adjustments adjourned at 6:45 p.m. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />,~¢.~ 54 <br />Debbie Huebner <br />Recording Secretary <br />