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MEETING OF THE ELK RIVER BOARD OF ADJUSTMENTS <br />HELD AT ELK RIVER CITY HALL <br />TUESDAY, MARCH I I, 2008 <br />Members Present: Chair Scott, Commissioners Anderson, ,Austad, Lemke, Staul and <br />Westberg <br />Members Absent: Commissioner Westgaard <br />Staff Present: Planning Manager Jeremy Barnhart, Senior Planner Sheila Cartney, Planner <br />Chris Leeseberg, Recording Secretary Debbie Huebner <br />Call Meeting To Order <br />Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the meeting of the Elk River Board of Adjustments <br />was called to order at 6:30 p.m. by Chair Scott <br />2. Consider Board of Adjustments Agenda <br />MOVED BY COMMISSIONER ANDERSON AND SECONDED BY <br />COMMISSIONER AUSTAD TO APPROVE THE MARCH 11, 2008 BOARD OF <br />ADJUSTMENTS AGENDA. MOTION CARRIED 6-0. <br />3.1. Request by Thomas Bamford for a Variance to the Maximum Allowable Accessory Structure <br />Standards. Case no. V 08-03 -Public Hearin <br />Staff report presented by Mr. Leeseberg. He provided background information regarding <br />the subject property which was the result of a parcel being subdivided into the 9.83 acre <br />parcels. Mr. Bamford inquired how many square feet of accessory structure he was allowed <br />to build on 10 acres. Since the property is actually less than 10 acres, a variance is required <br />in order to construct the buildings Mr. Bamford has purchased materials for (6,100 square <br />feet). Staff feels that the request does not meet #1 and #4 of the standards for granting <br />variance and recommends denial. <br />Chair Scott opened the public hearing. <br />Tom Bamford, 22600 Meadowvale, applicant -Stated that he was hoping the city would <br />consider the parcel as 10 acres. <br />Commissioner Anderson asked when the materials were purchased. Mr. Bamford stated <br />that he purchased the materials after inquiring from staff what the maximum allowed square <br />footage was fora 10-acre parcel. <br />Commissioner Austad stated that he could understand the applicant was not aware of the <br />difference it made being the property was slightly less than 10 acres, but that he concurred <br />with staff that the request did not meet #1 and #4 of the findings. He stated the applicant <br />still has the opportunity to appeal the Board of Adjustments' decision at the City Council <br />meeting. <br />