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ELK RIVER MUNICIPAL UTILITIES <br />REGULAR MEETING OF THE <br />UTILITIES COMMISSION <br />January 9, 2007 <br />Members Present: Jerry Takle, President; James Tralle, Trustee: Jerry Gumphrey, Trustee <br />Staff Present: Bryan Adams, General Manager; Glenn Sundeen, Line Superintendent; <br />David Berg, Water Superintendent; <br />Theresa Slominski, Finance Director/Office Manager; Troy Adams, <br />Engineering Manager; Judy McSpadden, Recording Clerk <br />Other Present: John Dietz, Forn~er Utilities Commissioner <br />l . Call meeting to order January 9, 2007 <br />President Jerry Takle called the January 9, 2007, meeting to order. At this time Jerry <br />Gumphrey was welcomed to the Commission and John Dietz was presented with a meter <br />lamp for years of service to the Commission. <br />2. Consider Utilities Agenda <br />Jerry Gumphrey moved to approve the January 9, 2007, Utilities Agenda. James Tralle <br />seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-0. <br />3. Consider Consent Agenda <br />James Tralle moved to approve the Consent Agenda as follows: <br />Designate First National Bank official depository for 2007 <br />Designate Elk River Star News official newspaper for 2007 <br />December Check Register <br />December 12, 2006, Minutes <br />Financial Reports <br />Jerry Gumphrey seconded the motion. Motion carved 3-0. <br />5.1 Staff Up-dates <br />Before leaving the Commission meeting, John Dietz expressed his appreciation of being <br />a Commissioner and felt the Utilities were doing a good job and that he could count on his <br />hand the few number of complaints he has received in the 12 years he was a Commissioner. <br />Bryan Adams reported he would be getting the final approval of the land purchase for the <br />Zebulon (Waco) Substation from Big Lake Township later this week. Still awaiting test <br />results from the water samples taken from a test well at the Johnson Street water tower. There <br />will be discussions at the State level regarding winter shut-offs. James Tralle asked of the <br />possibility of getting deposits on some properties, staff responded it would have to be on all <br />properties and not just a few designated places. <br />Glenn Sundeen said the electric service for the new library is installed. Crews will start <br />tearing down the overhead electrical lines in Otsego. Staff continues to work on the rebuild <br />projects and the new Target feeder from 14 Station is energized. <br />