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~i <br />Elk River -~ <br />Municip al Utilitie s <br />13069 Orono Parkway <br />Elk River, MN 55330 <br />January 5, 2006 <br />To: Elk River Municipal Utilities commission <br />Jerry Takle <br />Jim Tralle <br />John Dietz <br />From: Theresa Slominski <br />Re: 2005 Write-offs <br />phone; 763.441.2020 <br />Fax: 163.441.8099 <br />Attached is the list of the December, 2005 Write-Offs, totaling $38,478.09. Items marked <br />with a "B" in the margin are for "bankruptcies". Items marked with "OB" in the margin <br />are for "out of business". All other items are being written off due to moving out and <br />unable to locate, refusal to pay, or general cleanup of small amounts. There was <br />$21,852.52 written off in April, 2005. The total amount of $60,330.61 is still less than <br />''/z%, it is actually .4%. <br />Amounts that are over $100.00 have been turned over to the collection agency to try and <br />collect. In 2005, $2,960.07 was collected from individuals we turned over previously. It <br />is probable that we could improve the collection agency's efforts if we collected social <br />security numbers or driver's license numbers. We are looking into the legalities of <br />implementing the collection of this information. <br />The Elk River Municipal Utilities Commission should approve the list for 2005. Thank <br />you. <br />