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. "'~i <br />ilk River .; <br />1Vlunicipal Utilities <br />13069 Orono Parkway <br />Elk River, MN 55330 <br />January 5, 2006 <br />To: Elk River Municipal Utilities commission <br />Jerry Takle <br />Jim Tralle <br />John Dietz <br />From: Theresa Slominski <br />Re: Update on IRS and sales tax issues <br />phone: 763.441.2020 <br />Fax: 763.441.8099 <br />Attached is an itemization of the IRS amounts that were paid for penalties, interest, and <br />taxes in 2005. As you can see, there was a "snowball effect" that was started when the <br />civil penalty was assessed. There was an error in the filing date for the 3`d quarter of <br />2004 payroll tax deposits, and it was viewed as an overpayment that was taken and <br />applied to the civil penalty. This created an underpayment situation for the 3`d and 4rn <br />quarters of 2004 payroll tax deposits, and penalties and interest assessments followed. <br />To recap, this civil penalty resulted from IRS and Social Security inquiries when the W2s <br />and the 941 s for the year 2001 were not in agreement. They were not in agreement due to <br />the manipulating of the W2s that occurred. The penalty itself was paid in March of 2005 <br />and so we are working with our auditors to see if the "snowball effect" for penalties and <br />interest for payroll tax deposits in 3`a and 4`h quarters 2004 can be abated. It will take <br />some time before we have any response from the IRS on the abatement. Of the $98,063 <br />paid, our out of pocket amount is $42,933.38. (This amount is included in the restitution <br />we have submitted for reimbursement from Pat Hemza's court case.) We are meeting <br />with the county attorney on Tuesday morning and will have an update at the commission <br />meeting. <br />Corrected W2s for all years for Pat Hemza are being filed now rather than waiting for the <br />court case to be finalized. <br />The Minnesota Department of Revenue still has not made a final determination on the <br />sales tax abatement of $15,270. The last conversation that I had with them though was <br />not promising. There was another late payment (9 days late) from July 2003 that was <br />working against us. It was stated that while the process is slow, probably the only thing <br />missing in our case is the formality of a letter denying our request. This was also included <br />in the restitution request. <br />