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of state prohibitions. In the 110th Congress, Senators Lautenberg (D-NJ) and McCain (R- <br />A7) plan to reintroduce, with minor changes, their Community Broadband Act (S. 1294 from <br />the 109t.h Congress). The essential language in S. 1294 was rolled into the major Senate <br />telecomrnunications bill (the Communications, Consumer's Choice, and Broadband <br />DeployTrrent Act of 2006) passed by the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation <br />Committee last year. The ne~v Lautenberg-McCain bill will be the vehicle for action in the <br />Senate on municipal broadband -whether considered as a stand-alone bill or rolled into <br />broader legislation. <br />As Congress continues to debate important policy issues such as broadband deployment, <br />competition in the communications marketplace, and VoIP, in the 110th Congress, it should <br />recognize the important role that local governments, including those that also own their <br />electric utility, can play in achieving the goal of universal broadband deployment. Because of <br />state actions mentioned above to limit or prohibit public power systems from providing <br />advanced communications services, Congress must adopt legislation that affirms the right of <br />units of local government to decide how best to serve their residents. <br />Units of local government -and in particular communities that also ov`~r their own electric <br />utility -can play a positive role in enhancing their communities through providing <br />communications services, particularly high-bandwidth broadband services. APPA supports <br />federal legislation, such as that included in S. 1294 in the 109th Congress, that protect the <br />ability of municipalities to provide advanced communications services. APPA opposes any <br />federal legislation that would prohibitor restrict the ability of public power systems to provide <br />advanced communications ser~rices or require public power systems to get the permission of <br />incumbent communications companies to pro~~de such sen~ices. ? <br />www.APPAnet.orq <br />