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5.4. ERMUSR 03-20-2007
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5.4. ERMUSR 03-20-2007
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generating portfolio. After exploring various options, APPA and NRECA (the national trade <br />association representing rural electric cooperatives) recommended that Congress endorse the <br />"taxable tax r.rcdit bond" approach. This financing mechanism, which is contained in the tax <br />code fur other purposes, allows not-for-profit entities to issue interest free debt for the <br />development of qualified renewable energy facilities. APPA and NRECA then worked for <br />inclusion of the taxable tax credit bond, known as Clean Renewable Energy Bonds (CREBs), <br />pro~~sion in EPAct05. The provision was ultimately signed into law, but because of budgetary <br />constraints, a cap was put on the amount of bonds that could be issued. Like the limits <br />imposed on the REPI program, this limit means that not all applicants will receive CREB <br />funding. Therefore it is important to note that the REPI and CREB programs are <br />complementary, and must both continue to receive support from Congress. <br /> <br />The CREB program was included as part of the tax title of EPAct05, which was signed into law <br />in August of 2005, and the U.S. Treasury issued its preliminary guidelines on the program in <br />December of 2005. In November of 2006, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) notified issuer- <br />applicants about CREB allocations, but did not release indi~~dual recipient information to the <br />public. However, we do know that many APPA applicants did not receive allocations because <br />of the cap described above and because the allocation methodology pro~~ided funds starting <br />with the smallest requested amount until the allowed amount was exhausted could be <br />improved. <br />Regardless of the imperfections in the program (which APPA wall work to rectify in future <br />legislation), it has broad support in Congress as evidenced by the recent approval of an <br />extension of the CREB program through December 31, 2008. The extension of the program <br />was included in a broader tax package signed into law in December 2006, and authorizes an <br />additional $400 million of CREBs to be issued. IRS is expected to issue a notice about a new <br />application process for the additional CREB allocations in 2007. <br />Reauthorization of the REPI program was also achieved in EPAct05, acid on August 14, 2006, <br />the Department of Energy (DOE) issued its final rule on the reauthorized REPI program. <br />For FY 2007, the House has passed legislation that funds the REPI program at $4.96 million, <br />the same amount requested by the Administration in its Fl' 2007 budget. The Senate <br />Appropriations Committee has approved $4.946 million for the REPI program for FY 2007. <br />But as of this writing in January of 2007, Congress has not finalized the Energy and Water <br />Development appropriations bill. Until they do, REPI is being funded at the FY 2006 level, <br />which is $4.96 million. <br />Investment tax credits are not limited to a specific dollar amount. To be truly comparable, ~ <br />the CREB program should likewise not be subject to a dollar limit. Therefore, Congress M <br />should extend the CREB program beyond 2008, and ensure that all qualifed facilities that <br />apply for the program receive full funding for their projects, at the same time as it extends <br />the production tax credit and investment tax credit for the for-profit utility sector. Congress <br />should also continue to fund the REPI program at higher levels than have been requested by <br />DOE in the past. 1 <br /> <br />
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