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YEAR END NARRATIVE <br />These financial statements are year end unaudited amounts. They include adjustments for <br />year end accruals of payables, receivables, and capitalized items. The auditors will be <br />here March 15t and 2°d to review our 2006 year and make any correcting entries or <br />recommendations. I am sure there will be additional entries to be made, but the majority <br />of the items should be accounted for. <br />Electric <br />We have commented all year that this had been a challenging one for the electric department. <br />With an exceptional amount of work projects coming on board (downtown Elk River, Hwy 169, <br />County Rd 33, street improvements, etc.) and the major Target project there was plenty to do and <br />limited resources to do it with. To best manage the resources available, some scheduled projects <br />were put on hold, such as a Connexus territory acquisition and some line improvements. At the <br />beginning of the year, we had hoped to be able to increase our cash reserve balances by $600,000. <br />As you can see by the cash flow statements, we ended up using an additional $127,000 instead. <br />The adjustments made mid-year helped keep that number reasonable. All things considered, it <br />wasn't too bad. Not great, but it could have been much worse. <br />To look at just the Income Statement, it is a much more positive picture. Gross revenues came in <br />at 4% over budget, with a 1.5% increase in electric sales. The other areas of security, investment <br />income, the landfill, and connections items make up the rest of the increase. Expenses were up as <br />well, though not as much. There was a 2% increase in total expenses. This left a margin of <br />approximately $500,000 greater than what was budgeted for net income. Capital projects, <br />however, as alluded to above, were almost $700,000 more that what was budgeted. <br />(As a side note, the miscellaneous amount is from the restitution funds and IRS refunds.) <br />Water <br />The water department had a good year. Gross revenues were up almost 40% over budget. Water <br />sales were up 15% and Connections were up 70%. Expenses were only up 3.7% and <br />consequently, the ending cash position for the water department is an increase of $700,000. This <br />puts water cash reserves at the investment committee's recommended balances, which we didn't <br />think we would achieve until the next 3-5 years. <br />We have one audit entry of "Contributions from Developers" that has not been recorded yet. This <br />is from the infrastructure that the developers put in place when constructing a new development. <br />This is typically a sizable audit adjustment (last year's amount was $533,000) that ends up being <br />recorded as an asset with an offsetting revenue amount. <br />(The miscellaneous amount is from the restitution funds and IRS refunds, as also identified <br />above.) <br />