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BROOKINGS-TWIN CITIES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT AGREEMENT <br />THIS AGREEMENT is executed by and between the Central Minnesota Municipal <br />Power Agency ("CMMPA" or "Agency"), which has heretofore been duly created and <br />incorporated as a municipal corporation and a political subdivision of the State of <br />Minnesota under provisions of the Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 453, Sections 453.51 to <br />453.62 (the "Act"), and the undersigned city of the State of Minnesota, the State of Iowa <br />or other state of the United States of America or other party as permitted by the Act, <br />which has executed this Agreement (the "Participant"). <br />WHEREAS, CMMPA has duly executed and filed with the Secretary of State of the State <br />of Minnesota an Agency Agreement originally executed on the lsc day of July, 1987, as <br />restated on January 15, 1997 and August 11, 2004, as the same may be restated from time <br />to time; and <br />WHEREAS, CMMPA shall have all of the powers enumerated in the Act, including <br />those in Section 453.54 of the Act, and in the exercise thereof shall be deemed to be <br />performing an essential governmental function and exercising a part of the sovereign <br />powers of the State of Minnesota; and <br />WHEREAS, the Participant is a city defined in Subdivision (3) of Section 453.52 of the <br />Act or is otherwise organized and authorized to be a Participant; and <br />WHEREAS, CMMPA proposes to participate in the development of the Brookings-Twin <br />Cities transmission project described in Attachment 1 hereto (the "Transmission <br />Project"); and <br />WHEREAS, the Participant has determined that, to meet the needs of its current and <br />future customers, it is desirable to enter into this Agreement to pursue Development <br />Work for the Transmission Project (the "Development Project"); and <br />WHEREAS, the Midwest Municipal Transmission Group ("MMTG") with the other <br />CapX 2020 participants entered into a "Transmission Project Memorandum of <br />Understanding" dated [ ,] 2006, as amended, (the "Development Project <br />MOU") pursuant to which the parties to that agreement have previously undertaken <br />certain matters, actions and activities. The Transmission Project is one of several <br />proposed transmission projects initially planned and coordinated through the CapX 2020 <br />initiative process (the "CapX 2020 Projects"). The Transmission Project is being <br />undertaken to assist in the maintenance of and enhance system reliability for electric <br />customers in the upper Midwest region. The CapX 2020 Development Agreement will <br />replace and supersede the Development Project MOU, as amended; and <br />C:1Documents and Settings\Bryan\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files\OLK53\Cap X Brookings 2-12-07 cJ <br />clean.doc <br />