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requirements of the Zoning Ordinance along with other pertinent information requested by the Utility. <br />Granted applications will have a contract set in place between the two parties that has a set end date. At <br />the end of the contract, the applicant must go through a renewal process and put in place a new contract <br />with the Utilities. <br />6. Termination <br />The Elk River Utilities may terminate any lease if it determines that any one of the following conditions <br />exist: <br />1. A potential user with a higher priority cannot find another adequate location and the potential use <br />would be incompatible with the existing use; <br />2. A user's frequency broadcast unreasonably interferes with other users of a higher priority, <br />regardless of whether or not this interference was adequately predicted in the technical analysis; <br />or, <br />3. A user violates any of the standards in this policy or the conditions attached to the Utility's <br />permission. <br />Before taking action, the Utilities will provide notice to the user of the intended termination and the <br />reasons for it, and provide an opportunity for the user to address the Utilities regarding the <br />proposed action. This procedure need not be followed in emergency situations. <br />7. Reservation of Right <br />Notwithstanding the above, the Elk River Utilities reserves the right to deny, for any reason, the use of <br />any or all Utility owned property by any one or all applicants. <br />