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(7) Portable (temporaj:4 signs are Prohibited However, the temporary use of banners for <br />special events, grand openings or holidays is only permitted when the following regulations <br />are satisfied: <br />a) The banner shall require a permit. <br />b) A fee at a level established by ordinance adopted by the Elk River City Council is <br />required. <br />c) The permit for the banner shall be valid for ten (10) consecutive days and shall be <br />prominently displayed during the period of its validity. <br />d) Permits shall be available only for banners located on property of the business with <br />premises. <br />e) <br />fl <br />g) <br />h) <br />i) <br />(8) No more than one permanent area <br />subdivision, or development. However, <br />entrances on arterial and /or collector roac <br />each of these entrances. Each sign shall no <br />sign shall be placed on the same premises a <br />(9) One on- premises permanent identificc <br />exceed 16 square feet in sign area. <br />ident <br />if the <br />then a single ar <br />Kceed 16 square <br />allowed per neighborhood, <br />ision, or development has <br />tion sign may be allowed at <br />area. The area identification <br />complex, not to <br />rches, synagogues, and schools, one on- premises <br />exceed 96 square feet in total sign area. Where a <br />bined street frontage, the total signage area shall <br />care feet per sign. Freestanding signage shall not <br />and wall- mounted real estate signs for model <br />!d 32 square feet. Freestanding signs for model <br />{l-3j Rural -based businesses shall be allowed four off - premises directional signs subject to the <br />following restrictions: _ <br />a. Individual directional signs shall not exceed 18 square feet. <br />b. Such signs shall be set back ten feet from any public right -of -way as measured to any portion of <br />the sign. <br />c. Such signs shall be located on private property which is adjacent to an arterial road, provided that <br />the property owner's permission is obtained. <br />d. Such signs shall only contain the name of the rural -based business and the direction and distance <br />to the facility. Signing for straight -ahead movements shall not be allowed. <br />e. At any one intersection, any number of off - premises directional signs may be erected provided <br />that they can be accommodated on two sets of posts in no more than two locations. The director of <br />planning shall determine whether the posts can accommodate any more signs. <br />f. Except as otherwise provided, all freestanding signs in residential zones shall have a maximum <br />height limit of eight feet and shall have a setback of ten feet from any public right -of -way. <br />(Code 1982, § 900.22(4)(A), (4)(B); Ord. No. 00 -06, § 1, 3 -20 -2000; Ord. No. 04-13, � 1, 8 -27 -2004) <br />SAPLANNING \Case Files \2006 \OA \OA 06 -06 Signs \Proposed Ordinance Exhibit B.doc <br />