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Case File: OA OG-O6 <br />Page 2 <br />Overview <br />On July 17, 2006 staff had presented an ordinance amendment that reduced the number of and <br />duration of temporary signs. Staff had reviewed a few other ordinances of adjoining communities <br />and our current allowed time frame is one of the longest allowed: <br />C~ # of# of Davs # of Permits <br />Elk River 90 days 6 permits <br />Big Lake 60 days No Limit <br />Ramsey (42) 7 days @ a time 6 permits <br />Otsego 21 days No Limit <br />Maple Grove 10 days 1 permit <br />Staff had drafted an ordinance addressing the concerns with the temporary signs and includes <br />changes as listed: <br />0 30 days per calendar year vs. 90 days currently permitted <br />0 3 permits per year to a premise vs. 6 permits currently permitted <br />o Sign must be located on an approved surface vs. 10-feet from property lines <br />o Only signs for City functions can be placed on City property <br />The intent of what the temporary signs are to be used for is for grand openings and special events, <br />not for general advertising. Almost all of the temporary sign permits the City receives are fox sales, <br />promotions and/or employment opportunities and are rarely for grand openings and special events. <br />In order to get back to the intent of what temporary signs were intended for, the Elk River City <br />Council instructed staff to compose an ordinance that would ban temporary signs but would also <br />allow exceptions for grand openings, special events. They asked that the plan be phased in (begin <br />January 1, 2007) and to notify the business community to get their input. <br />Staff drafted an amendment that in summary states that portable (temporary) signs are prohibited. <br />However, the temporary use of banners for grand openings and special events would be allowed for <br />a ten consecutive days once a year. <br />S:\PI.ANNING\Case Files\2006\OA\OA OG-O6 Signs\Wozk Shop Sept 2G.doc <br />