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Elk Riuer ,4, <br />Municipal Utilities <br />February 18t", 2009 <br />Dear ERMU Commissioners; <br />The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) recently sent an email stating that ERMU's <br />water department qualifies to apply for a Revolving Fund Loan, which is part of the <br />stimulus program. ERMU is in violation of secondary MCL's (Maximum Contaminate <br />Level) of Iron/Manganese. <br />ERMU qualifies for a low interest or zero interest 30 year loan for Well #9. We don't <br />use Well #9 because of the high Iron & Manganese levels it contains. Monthly, we run <br />Well #9 to waste to keep the aquifer fresh. <br />I have been working with Jon Anderson & Terry Maurer to get a bid & work through <br />project details, in hopes that the plan would be ready to go ahead with & send into MDH <br />for consideration. <br />The current rough bid is $350,000 for a maximum cost. The details & specs will be gone <br />through in the near future to have more accurate pricing. <br />Thanks, ~~ <br />i ~~``r- <br />David Berg <br />Water Supervisor <br />Elk River Municipal Utilities <br />