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May 5, 2008 <br />Mr. Bryan Adams, P.E. <br />General Manager <br />Elk River Municipal Utilities <br />13069 Orono Parkway <br />Elk River, MN 55330 <br />RE: Lead Test Results, Jackson Street Tower, Elk River Municipal Utilities. KLM <br />Project No. MN 2504. <br />Dear Mr. Adams; <br />Thank you for the opportunity to assist you with the testing of the paint chips on the <br />above referenced project. <br />Seeing as how I seem unable to email you I have attached the test results from Corrosion <br />Control Consultants and Labs, Inc. which show that the exterior paint is classified as <br />lead-based paint. The two (2) samples test at 0.49% and 1.2%. Minnesota classifies lead <br />based paint as any coating containing 0.50% or above. Given the potential for error in <br />sampling and results slightly lower then actual, you have paint that should be considered <br />as lead-based paint. <br />The Chromium content is not high enough to cause problems. <br />Please feel free to call me to discuss any questions you may have <br />Sincerely, <br />KLM Engineering, Inc. <br />Jack R. Kollmer <br />President /Principal <br />JRK/ls <br />C:UsURKVNN2504 Elk River Lead Test Results OS-OS-OB.doc <br />