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• Description of the time worked; <br />• Account to be charged (accounting system designation); and <br />• Work order (as appropriate). <br />The description of the time worked is to document for accountability purposes how the <br />employee's work time was spent. Work orders are utilized for specific projects that track time <br />and labor for billing purposes, capitalization projects, or the installation and repair of security <br />systems. <br />Frequency <br />Employees are required to fill out their timecards daily. It is preferred that employees fill out <br />their timecards at the end of each completed work day, but timecards may be completed within <br />the first hour of arriving at work on the subsequent work day. This is not intended to conflict <br />with payroll deadlines for paperwork. <br />Timecards will be checked periodically throughout the pay period for completeness and <br />accuracy. Timecards must be made available for review/audit upon request by the employee's <br />supervisor. <br />Ensuring Accuracy <br />Employees are responsible for and must take steps to ensure the accuracy and completeness of <br />time reporting data collected. When an employee submits or a supervisor approves time <br />reporting data, he or she is attesting to the accuracy of the data. Knowingly submitting or <br />approving inaccurate time reporting data is a violation of policy and may subject the person to <br />disciplinary action. <br />9. OFFICE EQUIPMENT, E-MAIL AND INTERNET USE <br />All Utility office eauinment. such as telephones, computers and software are the property of the <br />Utility. Employees should have no expectation of privacy in their use. Employees may use r <br />we~Utility computers telephones, facsimile machines. nhotoconiers, a-mail, voicemail, and <br />Internet for a reasonable amount of personal use---consistent with the guidelines below and <br />other Utility policies-however, employees should do so using non-I~workinv time. <br />Violations of this policy may result in discipline, up to and including termination. <br />General Rules for E-Mail and Voicemail Use <br />Tact counts. If you are not sure a-mail or voicemail are the right medium; for your <br />message, use another form of communication. <br />• Never deliver a reprimand via e-mail or voicemail. <br />